Name Title Phone Number Department
Academic Writing Program
Bachinger, Jacob Instructor (403) 317-2891 Academic Writing Program
Connolly, Helen Instructor (403) 332-4531 Academic Writing Program
Eckert, Rebekah Instructor (403) 382-7172 Academic Writing Program
Lima, Adriana Monteiro Instructor (Calgary Campus) (403) 329-5236 Academic Writing Program
Lobe, Cliff Assistant Professor (403) 329-2571 Academic Writing Program
Rebry, Natasha Coordinator/Instructor (403) 394-3914 Academic Writing Program
Anthropology Department
Anthropology Office (403) 329-2598 Anthropology Department
Anthropology Grad Students Office (403) 317-2806 Anthropology Department
Asselin, Jodie Associate Professor (403) 317-2878 Anthropology Department
Cuellar, Andrea Associate Professor (403) 329-2521 Anthropology Department
Cunningham, Jerimy Chair/Associate Professor (403) 329-5102 Anthropology Department
MacKenzie, James Associate Professor (403) 329-2599 Anthropology Department
Newberry, Jan Professor (403) 329-5121 Anthropology Department
Raycraft, Justin Assistant Professor (403) 329-2489 Anthropology Department
Arts & Science Academic Advising
Academic Advising Office Arts & Science Academic Advising
Artibise, Jillian Student Program Advisor (403) 329-5106 Arts & Science Academic Advising
Buziak, Carla Student Program Advisor (403) 329-5106 Arts & Science Academic Advising
Gardner, Sarah Student Program Advisor (403) 329-5106 Arts & Science Academic Advising
Lee, Brittany Student Program Advisor (403) 329-5106 Arts & Science Academic Advising
McArthur, Jennifer Student Program Advisor (403) 329-5106 Arts & Science Academic Advising
Nelson, Rhonda Executive and Administrative Support (403) 329-5106 Arts & Science Academic Advising
Weiss, Jacinda Student Program Advisor (403) 329-5106 Arts & Science Academic Advising
Arts & Science, Dean's Office
A&S Dean Office (403) 317-5069 Arts & Science, Dean's Office
Adeosun, Anu Student Information & Support (403) 329-2240 Arts & Science, Dean's Office
Cameron, ChiChi Executive and Administrative Support (403) 380-1813 Arts & Science, Dean's Office
Copeland, Jennifer Associate Dean/Professor (403) 380-1813 Arts & Science, Dean's Office
Coulson, Cristina Executive and Administrative Support (403) 317-5069 Arts & Science, Dean's Office
Johnsrude, Shawn Director, Curriculum/Academic Scheduling (403) 317-5031 Arts & Science, Dean's Office
Letts, Matthew Dean/Professor (403) 329-5101 Arts & Science, Dean's Office
Lyster, Patrick Financial Officer (403) 329-2218 Arts & Science, Dean's Office
Nugent, Janay Associate Dean/Associate Professor (403) 380-1813 Arts & Science, Dean's Office
Parker, Cath Executive and Administrative Support (403) 329-5101 Arts & Science, Dean's Office
Patel, Trushar Associate Dean/Associate Professor (403) 380-1813 Arts & Science, Dean's Office
Reader, Catharine Director, Marketing & Communications (403) 382-7154 Arts & Science, Dean's Office
Steele, Corinne Financial Analyst (403) 329-2570 Arts & Science, Dean's Office
A&S - Science Operations
Central Analytical Facility office (403) 332-4476 A&S - Science Operations
Ellis, Craig Technical Services Supervisor (403) 329-2354 A&S - Science Operations
Holland, Carl Analytical Chemist - Core Facility (403) 329-2609 A&S - Science Operations
Montina, Tony Director of Science Operations, Magnetic Resonance Facility Manager, Instructor (403) 394-3927 A&S - Science Operations
Needham, Maurice Associate Director of Core Facilities & Acting Director of Animal Care Services (403) 394-3920 A&S - Science Operations
Rodriguez Juarez, Rommy Store Clerk (403) 332-4460 A&S - Science Operations
SEM Room office (403) 382-7182 A&S - Science Operations
Stores, Science General Clerk, Central Stores (Science Stores) (403) 332-4660 A&S - Science Operations
Veerareddygari, Govi Associate Director Central Stores and Internal Compliance (403) 332-4540 A&S - Science Operations
Biological Sciences Department
Barley, Randall Instructor (403) 329-2708 Biological Sciences Department
Barry, Tegan Instructor (403) 329-2664 Biological Sciences Department
Biological Sciences Office (403) 329-2245 Biological Sciences Department
Bogard, Matthew Associate Professor (403) 317-2857 Biological Sciences Department
Burg, Theresa Professor (403) 332-5299 Biological Sciences Department
Burke, Jennifer Instructor (403) 329-2321 Biological Sciences Department
Curtis, Ashley Biology Storeroom Manager (403) 380-1832 Biological Sciences Department
Fernando, Oshini Research Assistant Biological Sciences Department
Flanagan, Larry Professor (403) 380-1858 Biological Sciences Department
Garcia Rodriguez, Vicky Post Doc (403) 329-2069 Biological Sciences Department
Goater, Cameron Professor (403) 329-2752 Biological Sciences Department
Golsteyn, Roy Professor (403) 332-4553 Biological Sciences Department
Greenhouse (Biology) Greenhouse (biology) (403) 329-2312 Biological Sciences Department
Greenhouse (Hepler) Greenhouse (Hepler) (403) 380-1821 Biological Sciences Department
Herbarium Museum Herbarium Museum (403) 332-4106 Biological Sciences Department
Hoover, Shelley Associate Professor (403) 329-2127 Biological Sciences Department
Konschuh, Michele Associate Professor (403) 329-2661 Biological Sciences Department
Kovalchuk, Igor Co-Chair/Professor (403) 329-2579 Biological Sciences Department
Kovalchuk, Olga Professor (403) 394-3916 Biological Sciences Department
Laird, Robert Co-Chair/Professor (403) 317-5074 Biological Sciences Department
McCord, Catherine Executive and Administrative Support (403) 329-2245 Biological Sciences Department
McCune, Jenny Associate Professor (403) 317-5035 Biological Sciences Department
McNaughton, Allison Research Technician (403) 329-2850 Biological Sciences Department
Mendez, Katrina Instructor (403) 329-2125 Biological Sciences Department
Okine, Erasmus Professor (403) 317-8292 Biological Sciences Department
Pacarynuk, Laurie Instructor (403) 332-4577 Biological Sciences Department
Post Doctoral Fellow Biological Sciences Department
Russell, Tony Associate Professor (403) 329-2696 Biological Sciences Department
Schultz, Elizabeth Professor (403) 329-2318 Biological Sciences Department
Sorokin, Aleksei Assistant Biology Storeroom Manager (403) 329-2348 Biological Sciences Department
Stanford, Kim Associate Professor (403) 394-3996 Biological Sciences Department
Steynen, Quintin Instructor (403) 329-2210 Biological Sciences Department
Store Room (403) 329-2324 Biological Sciences Department
Thakor, Nehalkumar Professor (403) 317-5055 Biological Sciences Department
Vaid, Neha Assistant Professor (403) 329-2113 Biological Sciences Department
Westcastle Field Stn (403) 627-5964 Biological Sciences Department
Wiseman, Steve Associate Professor (403) 329-2320 Biological Sciences Department
Yevtushenko, Dmytro Associate Professor (403) 317-2879 Biological Sciences Department
Canadian Centre for Behavioural Neuroscience (CCBN)
Bermudez Contreras, Edgar Post Doctoral Fellow (403) 394-3973 Canadian Centre for Behavioural Neuroscience (CCBN)
CCBN Office (403) 394-3900 Canadian Centre for Behavioural Neuroscience (CCBN)
Dumas, Renee Program Lead - Campus Alberta Neuroscience (403) 394-3986 Canadian Centre for Behavioural Neuroscience (CCBN)
Eckert, Michael Post Doctoral Fellow (403) 394-3982 Canadian Centre for Behavioural Neuroscience (CCBN)
Ekstrand, Chelsea Assistant Professor (403) 332-4582 Canadian Centre for Behavioural Neuroscience (CCBN)
Euston, David Associate Professor (403) 394-3970 Canadian Centre for Behavioural Neuroscience (CCBN)
Faraji, Jamshid Research Associate (403) 394-3985 Canadian Centre for Behavioural Neuroscience (CCBN)
Gibb, Robbin Associate Chair/Professor (403) 394-3993 Canadian Centre for Behavioural Neuroscience (CCBN)
Hong, Nhung Research Technician (403) 394-3983 Canadian Centre for Behavioural Neuroscience (CCBN)
Iwaniuk, Andrew Professor (403) 332-5288 Canadian Centre for Behavioural Neuroscience (CCBN)
Lapointe, Valerie Research Technician (403) 394-3959 Canadian Centre for Behavioural Neuroscience (CCBN)
Luczak, Artur Associate Chair Infrastructure/Professor (403) 394-3974 Canadian Centre for Behavioural Neuroscience (CCBN)
McDonald, Robert Professor (403) 394-3983 Canadian Centre for Behavioural Neuroscience (CCBN)
McNaughton, Bruce Professor (403) 394-3909 Canadian Centre for Behavioural Neuroscience (CCBN)
Metz, Gerlinde Professor (403) 394-3992 Canadian Centre for Behavioural Neuroscience (CCBN)
Nazariahangarkolaee, Mojtaba Graduate Assistant (403) 394-3951 Canadian Centre for Behavioural Neuroscience (CCBN)
Pellis, Sergio Professor (403) 329-2078 Canadian Centre for Behavioural Neuroscience (CCBN)
Pellis, Vivien Research Associate (403) 317-2863 Canadian Centre for Behavioural Neuroscience (CCBN)
Ryait, Hardeep Assistant Professor (403) 394-3950 Canadian Centre for Behavioural Neuroscience (CCBN)
Sutherland, Robert Director / Chair (403) 394-3987 Canadian Centre for Behavioural Neuroscience (CCBN)
Tarnowsky, Jennifer Program Coordinator (Polaris) (403) 332-4099 Canadian Centre for Behavioural Neuroscience (CCBN)
Tata, Matthew Professor (403) 394-3994 Canadian Centre for Behavioural Neuroscience (CCBN)
Tatsuno, Masami Professor (403) 394-3998 Canadian Centre for Behavioural Neuroscience (CCBN)
Vasey, Paul Professor (403) 329-2407 Canadian Centre for Behavioural Neuroscience (CCBN)
Whishaw, Ian Professor (403) 329-2402 Canadian Centre for Behavioural Neuroscience (CCBN)
Chemistry & Biochemistry
Boere, Rene Professor (403) 329-2045 Chemistry & Biochemistry
Chem & Biochem Office (403) 329-2301 Chemistry & Biochemistry
Demeler, Borries Professor (403) 329-2047 Chemistry & Biochemistry
Dibble, Peter Associate Professor (403) 329-2305 Chemistry & Biochemistry
Eng, John Instructor (403) 329-2329 Chemistry & Biochemistry
Findlay, Susan Associate Chair & Instructor (403) 317-5044 Chemistry & Biochemistry
Fischer, Kris Instructor (403) 329-2343 Chemistry & Biochemistry
Gerken, Michael Professor (403) 329-2173 Chemistry & Biochemistry
Girodat, Dylan Assistant Professor (403) 332-4368 Chemistry & Biochemistry
Hamel, Jean-Denys Associate Professor (403) 329-2686 Chemistry & Biochemistry
Hayes, Paul Chair/Professor (403) 329-2313 Chemistry & Biochemistry
Hazendonk, Paul Associate Professor (403) 329-2657 Chemistry & Biochemistry
Keffer-Wilkes, Laura Mgr, SynBridge & Prog Coordinator, RNA CREATE (403) 332-4544 Chemistry & Biochemistry
Lippa, Wayne Instructor (403) 329-2043 Chemistry & Biochemistry
Mosimann, Steven Faculty (403) 329-2283 Chemistry & Biochemistry
Patenaude, Greg Instructor (403) 329-2310 Chemistry & Biochemistry
Rathod, Vineet Assistant Professor (403) 332-5274 Chemistry & Biochemistry
Roussel, Catharine Research Associate (403) 329-2306 Chemistry & Biochemistry
Roussel, Marc Faculty (403) 329-2326 Chemistry & Biochemistry
Weiler, Heather Executive and Administrative Support (403) 329-2301 Chemistry & Biochemistry
Wetmore, Stacey Professor (403) 329-2323 Chemistry & Biochemistry
Willi, Jessica Assistant Professor (403) 329-2349 Chemistry & Biochemistry
Zheng, Ying Instructor (403) 317-2813 Chemistry & Biochemistry
Destination Exploration
Cuadra, Danny Program Coordinator, Core Programs (403) 382-7121 Destination Exploration
Elder, Steph Manager, Destination Exploration (403) 382-7161 Destination Exploration
McEwan, Alex InSTEM Coordinator (403) 317-2852 Destination Exploration
Economics Department
Ali, Md Kamar Associate Professor (403) 317-2876 Economics Department
Darku, Alexander Associate Professor (403) 329-2539 Economics Department
Davidson, Jeff Instructor (403) 329-2533 Economics Department
DeRoche, Lisa Marie Executive and Administrative Support (403) 329-2580 Economics Department
Econ Grad Students Econ Grad Students (403) 332-4558 Economics Department
Econ Grad Students Econ Grad Students (403) 332-4104 Economics Department
Econ Help Desk Econ Help Desk (403) 332-4558 Economics Department
Economics Office (403) 329-2518 Economics Department
Ghazalian, Pascal Chair/Professor (403) 329-2514 Economics Department
Klein, Kurt Professor (403) 329-2438 Economics Department
Lanyi, Michael Instructor (403) 332-4590 Economics Department
Le Roy, Danny Associate Professor (403) 329-2733 Economics Department
Malla, Stavroula Professor (403) 317-2824 Economics Department
Mueller, Richard Professor (403) 329-2241 Economics Department
Nicol, Chris Professor (403) 329-2749 Economics Department
Nicol, Lorraine Senior Research Associate (403) 329-2512 Economics Department
Rockerbie, Duane Professor (403) 329-2517 Economics Department
Townley, Donna Instructor (403) 329-5113 Economics Department
Tran, Kien Professor (403) 329-2511 Economics Department
English Department
Bordalejo, Barbara Digital Humanities (403) 329-2370 English Department
Carter, Adam Associate Professor (403) 329-2375 English Department
English Office (403) 329-2378 English Department
Galway, Elizabeth Professor (403) 329-2374 English Department
Gamble, Jay Instructor (403) 382-7178 English Department
Hobbs, David Assistant Professor (403) 332-4516 English Department
Kootnikoff, David Instructor (403) 329-2618 English Department
McAdam, Ian Professor (403) 329-2371 English Department
O'Donnell, Dan Chair/Professor (403) 329-2377 English Department
Reich, Noa Assistant Professor (403) 380-1839 English Department
Wiebe, Rachelle Executive and Administrative Support (403) 329-2378 English Department
Environmental Science Program
Hopkinson, Christopher Professor (403) 332-4586 Environmental Science Program
Jiskoot, Hester Professor (403) 329-2739 Environmental Science Program
Peddle, Derek Professor (403) 329-2524 Environmental Science Program
Geography and Environment Department
Aspinall, Jesse Instructor N/A Geography and Environment Department
Bonnaventure, Philip Associate Professor (403) 317-5028 Geography and Environment Department
Bragg, Bronwyn Assistant Professor (403) 380-1897 Geography and Environment Department
Bubel, Shawn Co-Chair/Professor (403) 329-2531 Geography and Environment Department
Chasmer, Laura Associate Professor (403) 332-4661 Geography and Environment Department
Coburn, Craig Professor (403) 317-2818 Geography and Environment Department
Debert, Jolene Instructor (403) 332-4033 Geography and Environment Department
Dostie, Marcus Instructor (403) 394-3925 Geography and Environment Department
Geography Dept Office (403) 329-2225 Geography and Environment Department
Holyoke, Kenneth Assistant Professor (403) 329-2534 Geography and Environment Department
Johnson, Dan Professor (403) 329-2040 Geography and Environment Department
McElhaw, Carlee Executive and Administrative Support (403) 329-2225 Geography and Environment Department
McGeough, Kevin Co-Chair/Professor (403) 382-7168 Geography and Environment Department
Research Office (403) 329-2589 Geography and Environment Department
Townshend, Ivan Professor (403) 329-2226 Geography and Environment Department
Xu, Wei Professor (403) 332-4561 Geography and Environment Department
Young, Julie Associate Professor (403) 329-2076 Geography and Environment Department
History and Religion Department
Alexander, Kristine Associate Professor (403) 332-4623 History and Religion Department
Bonar, James Instructor (403) 332-4363 History and Religion Department
Burton, Christopher Associate Professor (403) 394-3948 History and Religion Department
Epplett, Christopher Associate Professor (403) 329-5143 History and Religion Department
Fujiwara, Gideon Associate Professor (403) 329-2502 History and Religion Department
Harding, John Professor (403) 317-2834 History and Religion Department
Hay, David Associate Professor (403) 329-2421 History and Religion Department
History & Religion Dept Office (403) 329-2541 History and Religion Department
Kennedy, Lynn Associate Professor (403) 329-2546 History and Religion Department
Khalil, Atif Associate Professor (403) 332-4585 History and Religion Department
Linville, James Associate Professor (403) 329-2537 History and Religion Department
McManus, Sheila Professor (403) 329-2540 History and Religion Department
Otto, Jennifer Associate Professor (403) 329-2547 History and Religion Department
Shaw, Amy Associate Professor (403) 329-2543 History and Religion Department
Stanley, Heather Assistant Professor (403) 329-2361 History and Religion Department
Indigenous Studies
Beaulieu, Henrie Faculty (403) 329-2488 Indigenous Studies
Chatsis, Annabelle Blackfoot Language Adult Immersion Program Coordinator (403) 332-4364 Indigenous Studies
Fox, Mary Sessional Instructor (403) 329-2692 Indigenous Studies
Indigenous Student Lounge 7676 Indigenous Studies
Indigenous Studies Office (403) 329-2635 Indigenous Studies
McKenzie-Jones, Paul Chair (403) 329-2312 Indigenous Studies
Million, Tara Assistant Professor (403) 332-4665 Indigenous Studies
Russell, Caroline Instructor (403) 329-2538 Indigenous Studies
Snoek, Conor Associate Professor (403) 329-2721 Indigenous Studies
Tiger, Yvonne Sessional Instructor (403) 394-3907 Indigenous Studies
Indigenous Student Success Certificate (ISSC)
Amanda Matthews Admin Support (403) 329-32635 Indigenous Student Success Certificate (ISSC)
Froehlich, Tara Learning Facilitator (403) 394-3990 Indigenous Student Success Certificate (ISSC)
Gomez-Riviere, Esteban Instructor (403) 332-4588 Indigenous Student Success Certificate (ISSC)
Hogue, Michelle Coordinator/Associate Professor (403) 329-2088 Indigenous Student Success Certificate (ISSC)
Kinesiology & Physical Education
Adams, Carly Professor (403) 332-4508 Kinesiology & Physical Education
Bennett, Ian Co-Chair/Instructor (403) 329-5164 Kinesiology & Physical Education
Bomhof, Marc Associate Professor (403) 332-4437 Kinesiology & Physical Education
Brantner, Keegan Instructor (403) 329-5246 Kinesiology & Physical Education
Brayton, Sean Associate Professor (403) 332-4513 Kinesiology & Physical Education
Brown, Dylan Instructor (403) 329-5119 Kinesiology & Physical Education
Choi, Yeomi Assistant Professor (403) 329-2092 Kinesiology & Physical Education
de Bruin Nutley, Natalie Instructor (403) 317-5027 Kinesiology & Physical Education
Exercise & Nutrition Lab Lab (403) 332-5219 Kinesiology & Physical Education
Gonzalez, Claudia Professor (403) 329-2147 Kinesiology & Physical Education
Helstein, Michelle Provost & Vice President (Academic)/Faculty (403) 329-2202 Kinesiology & Physical Education
Illes, Lee Executive and Administrative Support (403) 329-2680 Kinesiology & Physical Education
Kendellen, Kelsey Instructor (403) 394-3989 Kinesiology & Physical Education
Khassetarash, Arash Assistant Professor (403) 332-4502 Kinesiology & Physical Education
Kinesiology Office (403) 329-2680 Kinesiology & Physical Education
KNES Grad Lab Lab (403) 317-4028 Kinesiology & Physical Education
Kossuth, Robert Co-Chair/Associate Professor (403) 317-2803 Kinesiology & Physical Education
Lint, Claire Sessional (403) 329-2680 Kinesiology & Physical Education
Loewen, Janee Sessional (403) 329-2680 Kinesiology & Physical Education
McArthur, Jessy Sessional (4003) 329-2680 Kinesiology & Physical Education
McDonald, Paula Sessional (403) 394-3941 Kinesiology & Physical Education
Pope, Paige Associate Professor (403) 332-4435 Kinesiology & Physical Education
Rasica, Letizia Faculty (403) 329-2232 Kinesiology & Physical Education
Rathwell, Scott Associate Professor (403) 329-5188 Kinesiology & Physical Education
Shan, Gongbing Professor (403) 329-2683 Kinesiology & Physical Education
Simard, Stephane Instructor (403) 329-2565 Kinesiology & Physical Education
Takahashi, Tim Sessional (403) 329-2680 Kinesiology & Physical Education
Trinh, Fred Instructor (403) 329-2353 Kinesiology & Physical Education
Whiteside, Scott Sessional (403) 317-2856 Kinesiology & Physical Education
Let's Talk Science
Let's Talk Science Office (403) 394-5656 Let's Talk Science
Magnetic Resonance Centre
300 NMR Lab 300 NMR Lab (403) 394-2243 Magnetic Resonance Centre
500 NMR Lab 500 NMR Lab (403) 394-4057 Magnetic Resonance Centre
700 NMR Lab 700 NMR Lab (403) 317-2838 Magnetic Resonance Centre
Cryogen Plant Room Cryogen Plant Room (403) 332-5276 Magnetic Resonance Centre
EPR Lab EPR Lab (403) 317-2894 Magnetic Resonance Centre
NMR CL2 Lab NMR CL2 Lab (403) 317-2863 Magnetic Resonance Centre
NMR Grad Students NMR Grad Students (403) 332-5275 Magnetic Resonance Centre
NMR Magnet Lab NMR Magnet Lab (403) 329-2230 Magnetic Resonance Centre
NMR Workshop NMR Workshop (403) 332-4525 Magnetic Resonance Centre
Weiler, Vincent MR Facility Technician (403) 332-4526 Magnetic Resonance Centre
X-Ray Lab X-Ray Lab (403) 329-2314 Magnetic Resonance Centre
Mathematics & Computer Science
Akbary-Majdabadno, Amir Professor (403) 329-2513 Mathematics & Computer Science
Anvik, John Associate Professor (403) 329-2382 Mathematics & Computer Science
Archibald, Jana Instructor (403) 329-2559 Mathematics & Computer Science
Benkoczi, Robert Professor (403) 329-2298 Mathematics & Computer Science
Birghila, Corina Assistant Professor (403) 329-2269 Mathematics & Computer Science
Bohuslavska, Alla Instructor N/A Mathematics & Computer Science
Chali, Yllias Professor (403) 329-2331 Mathematics & Computer Science
Cheng, Howard Associate Professor (403) 329-2182 Mathematics & Computer Science
Eftekhari Targhi, Azar Sessional (Calgary Campus) (403) 329-2167 Mathematics & Computer Science
Fathi Hafshejani, Sajad Post-Doctoral Fellow (403) 329-2167 Mathematics & Computer Science
Fiori, Andrew Co-Chair Mathematics/Associate Professor (403) 329-2422 Mathematics & Computer Science
Fitzpatrick, Sean Instructor (403) 332-5209 Mathematics & Computer Science
Gaur, Daya Professor (403) 329-5118 Mathematics & Computer Science
Kadiri, Habiba Associate Professor (403) 329-2477 Mathematics & Computer Science
Kaur, Jaspreet Instructor (Calgary Campus) N/A Mathematics & Computer Science
Kharaghani, Hadi Professor (403) 329-2471 Mathematics & Computer Science
Kostiuk, Ethan Assistant System Administrator (403) 329-5136 Mathematics & Computer Science
Legge, Sean Instructor (403) 329-5103 Mathematics & Computer Science
Li, Hua Associate Professor (403) 329-2527 Mathematics & Computer Science
Maarefparvar, Abbas Post Doctoral Fellow N/A Mathematics & Computer Science
Maowa, Jannatul Sessional CPSC (403) 329-2463 Mathematics & Computer Science
Math & Comp Sci Office (403) 329-2470 Mathematics & Computer Science
Morris, Dave Professor (403) 329-2346 Mathematics & Computer Science
Morris, Joy Professor (403) 332-4100 Mathematics & Computer Science
Munden, Amanda System Administrator (403) 329-2176 Mathematics & Computer Science
Ng, Nathan Professor (403) 329-5118 Mathematics & Computer Science
Osborn, Wendy Co-Chair Computer Science/Associate Professor (403) 329-2294 Mathematics & Computer Science
Satel, Jason Assistant Professor (403) 329-2476 Mathematics & Computer Science
Secrist, Cherie Executive and Administrative Support (403) 329-2470 Mathematics & Computer Science
Sheriff, John Assistant Professor (403) 329-2086 Mathematics & Computer Science
Tareque, Md Hasan Instructor (403) 329-2473 Mathematics & Computer Science
Wilson, Nicole Instructor (403) 329-5115 Mathematics & Computer Science
Zhang, John Associate Professor (403) 332-5238 Mathematics & Computer Science
Modern Languages and Linguistics Department
Collado, Melanie Associate Professor (403) 329-5175 Modern Languages and Linguistics Department
Devos, Brent Assistant Professor (403) 380-1857 Modern Languages and Linguistics Department
Genee, Inge Professor (403) 380-1809 Modern Languages and Linguistics Department
Gerwin, Beth Associate Professor (403) 332-4572 Modern Languages and Linguistics Department
Matthews, Amanda Executive and Administrative Support (403) 329-2560 Modern Languages and Linguistics Department
McMeekin, Abigail Associate Professor (403) 329-2722 Modern Languages and Linguistics Department
Modern Languages Office (403) 329-2560 Modern Languages and Linguistics Department
Ospina, Luz Instructor (403) 317-2865 Modern Languages and Linguistics Department
Rodriguez, Omar Associate Professor (403) 332-5296 Modern Languages and Linguistics Department
Spagnolo, Tabitha Chair/Associate Professor (403) 329-2420 Modern Languages and Linguistics Department
Takam, Alain Associate Professor (403) 329-2561 Modern Languages and Linguistics Department
Urquhart, Steven Associate Professor (403) 329-2564 Modern Languages and Linguistics Department
Wilson, Patrick Faculty (403) 329-2523 Modern Languages and Linguistics Department
Young, Francine Sessional (403) 329-2338 Modern Languages and Linguistics Department
Philosophy Department
Anderson, Ardis Instructor (403) 332-5212 Philosophy Department
Balcarras, David Assistant Professor (403) 329-2462 Philosophy Department
Breen, Jason Sessional Instructor (403) 329-2376 Philosophy Department
Brown, Bryson Professor (403) 329-2506 Philosophy Department
Delisle, Richard Faculty (403) 380-1861 Philosophy Department
DeRoche, Lisa Marie Executive and Administrative Support (403) 380-1894 Philosophy Department
Dieleman, Susan Associate Professor (403) 329-2768 Philosophy Department
Peacock, Kent Faculty N/A Philosophy Department
Rodych, Victor Professor (403) 329-2487 Philosophy Department
Stevens, Katharina Associate Professor (403) 329-2159 Philosophy Department
Stingl, Michael Faculty N/A Philosophy Department
Physics and Astronomy
Cramer, Naomi Executive and Administrative Support (403) 329-2280 Physics and Astronomy
Das, Saurya Professor (403) 329-2689 Physics and Astronomy
Dasgupta, Arundhati Associate Professor (403) 332-5222 Physics and Astronomy
Far - Infrared Instrumentation Lab Physics and Astronomy
Furgason, Daniel Instructor (403) 329-2363 Physics and Astronomy
Gom, Brad SCUBA-2 FTS Project Mgr (403) 329-2771 Physics and Astronomy
Grad Students E (403) 329-2006 Physics and Astronomy
Naylor, David Faculty (403) 329-2426 Physics and Astronomy
Patitsas, Steve Associate Professor (403) 329-2358 Physics and Astronomy
Physics & Astronomy Office (403) 329-2280 Physics and Astronomy
Povey, Chad Instructor (403) 329-2359 Physics and Astronomy
Seyed Mahmoud, Behnam Faculty (403) 329-2360 Physics and Astronomy
Spencer, Locke Chair/Associate Professor (403) 332-4612 Physics and Astronomy
SPIRE Lab Lab (403) 394-3988 Physics and Astronomy
Tetarenko, Alexandra Faculty (403) 332-5282 Physics and Astronomy
Tipper, Mark Instructor (403) 332-5294 Physics and Astronomy
Vos, Kenneth Associate Professor (403) 329-2191 Physics and Astronomy
Walton, Mark Professor (403) 329-2357 Physics and Astronomy
Political Science Department
Belanger, Yale Professor (403) 382-7101 Political Science Department
Kerr, Stephanie Assistant Professor (403) 332-4618 Political Science Department
Kukucha, Christopher Professor (403) 329-2575 Political Science Department
Political Science Office (403) 329-2580 Political Science Department
von Heyking, John Chair/Professor (403) 329-2573 Political Science Department
Prentice Institute
Boco, Adebiyi Assistant Professor (403) 332-4402 Prentice Institute
Hallstrom, Lars Director/Professor (403) 329-2526 Prentice Institute
Macklin, Patricia Program Manager (403) 380-1814 Prentice Institute
Prentice Institute Office (403) 380-1814 Prentice Institute
Psychology Department
Barrett, Louise Chair (403) 317-5039 Psychology Department
Fang, Shichen Faculty (403) 329-2019 Psychology Department
Forgie, Margaret Instructor (403) 329-2437 Psychology Department
Henzi, Peter Professor Psychology Department
Hill, Susan Executive and Administrative Support (403) 329-2235 Psychology Department
Ito, Ken Assistant Professor (403) 329-2409 Psychology Department
Leca, Jean-Baptiste Associate Professor (403) 329-2436 Psychology Department
Li, Fangfang Professor (403) 329-2568 Psychology Department
Logue, David Associate Professor (403) 329-2781 Psychology Department
Mansour, Jamal Associate Professor (403) 329-2077 Psychology Department
Mather, Jennifer Professor (403) 329-2423 Psychology Department
Psychology Office (403) 329-2235 Psychology Department
Sadr, Javid Assistant Professor (403) 332-4530 Psychology Department
Vomberg, Lauren Instructor N/A Psychology Department
Williams, Jennifer Associate Chair/Instructor (403) 380-1852 Psychology Department
Remote Sensing
Remote Sensing Office (403) 317-2818 Remote Sensing
Sociology Department
Akbary, Hamid Assistant Professor (403) 332-4554 Sociology Department
Elafros, Athena Associate Professor (403) 329-5147 Sociology Department
Granzow, Kara Associate Professor (403) 329-2403 Sociology Department
Harrison, Trevor Faculty (403) 329-2552 Sociology Department
Laurendeau, Jason Associate Professor (403) 329-2717 Sociology Department
Lowik, A.J. Assistant Professor (403) 332-4366 Sociology Department
Mair, Kimberly Associate Professor (403) 332-5284 Sociology Department
Oseen, Jenny Executive and Administrative Support (403) 329-2551 Sociology Department
Perks, Tom Chair (403) 329-2450 Sociology Department
Prete, Tiffany Assistant Professor (403) 329-2028 Sociology Department
Sociology Office (403) 329-2551 Sociology Department
Women & Gender Studies
Hodes, Caroline Associate Professor (403) 329-2684 Women & Gender Studies
Lenon, Suzanne Professor (403) 380-1876 Women & Gender Studies
Women & Gender Studies Office (403) 332-4106 Women & Gender Studies