Das, Saurya


Physics and Astronomy

(403) 329-2689
(403) 329-2057

Physics and Astronomy

(403) 329-2689
(403) 329-2689

About Me

I am a Theoretical Physicist and a Professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy. My research interests include classical and quantum gravity, cosmology and quantum information.


Saurya Das did his B.Sc. in physics from Presidency University, Kolkata followed by Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics at the Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai (Madras), India. He was a postdoctoral fellow at the Center for Gravitational Physics and Geometry at Pennsylvania State University, the University of Winnipeg, and the University of New Brunswick. He joined the Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Lethbridge, as an Assistant Professor in 2003. He became an Associate Professor in 2008 and a Full Professor on 2013. He is an executive committee member of Quantum Alberta, an affiliate member of the Perimeter Institute of Theoretical Physics and a member of the LISA consortium. He has authored/co-authored more than 130 research papers in classical and quantum gravity, cosmology and quantum information.

Current Research

​Principal Investigator ​Co-Researchers ​Grant Agency
​Grant Amount
Grant Time Period ​
Physics of Black Holes Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada Saurya Das, University of Lethbridge Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) $24,000/year 2004-07
Physics of Black Holes Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada Saurya Das, University of Lethbridge
Aspects of Black Hole Physics Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada Saurya Das, University of Lethbridge Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) $28,686/year 2007-12
Aspects of Black Hole Physics Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada Saurya Das, University of Lethbridge
Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada Saurya Das, University of Lethbridge
Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada Saurya Das, University of Lethbridge University of Lethbridge $20,000 2007-08
Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada Saurya Das, University of Lethbridge
Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada Saurya Das, University of Lethbridge University of Lethbridge $2,000.00 2004

Previous Research

​Title ​Grant Agency ​Completion Date
​Aspects of Quantum Physics ​University of Lethbridge Research Fund ​2005
​Contemporary Physics Course ​University of Lethbridge Teaching Development Fund ​2005


Please refer to CV


PhD (Theoretical Physics)

Research Interests

Classical and Quantum General Relativity (Quantum Gravity).
Black Hole Physics.
Quantum Gravity Phenomenology.
Singularities in spacetime.
Quantum Information Theory.

Other interests:
History of Science.
Philosophy of Science.

In The Media

Einstein Celebration Raises Physics' Profile; Legend; January 2006.

Physicist's Research into Black Holes is Enlightening; Legend; January 2005.

Research Areas

Quantum Gravity Phenomenology
Entanglement entropy

Previous Research Areas

Quantum Information Theory
Black Hole Physics
Quantum Gravity


Quantum computation
Quantum Gravity Phenomenology
Quantum information theory
Classical and Quantum General relativity
Black hole physics


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