von Heyking, John


Political Science Department

(403) 329-2573

About Me

I've been at the University of Lethbridge since 2000. My main area of research and teaching is political philosophy. I am working on a multivolume project on friendship and politics.



July 2021 to June 2023: Chairperson, Department of Political Science. University of Lethbridge.

July 2018 to June 2020: Acting Chairperson, Department of Political Science, University of Lethbridge.

Since July 2012: Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Lethbridge.

July-August 2019: Visiting Professor. Global Liberal Arts Program, Rikkyo University (Tokyo).

July 2005 to June 2012: Associate Professor with Tenure, Department of Political Science, University of Lethbridge.

Since July 2005: Associate Professor with Tenure, Department of Political Science, University of Lethbridge.

July 2001 to June 2005: Assistant Professor (tenure-track), Department of Political Science, University of Lethbridge.

August 2000 to June 2001: Assistant Professor (term appointment), Department of Political Science, University of Lethbridge.

May 1999 to July 2000: Research Associate, Research Unit for the Study of Civil Society, University of Calgary.

Doctorate (Government), University of Notre Dame, 1999, Notre Dame, Indiana
Fields: Political Theory, American Politics
Dissertation: "Love and Politics: Augustine on the Passions in Politics."

See homepage and cv for more.



Comprehensive Judgment and Absolute Selflessness: Winston Churchill on Politics as Friendship. South Bend: St. Augustine's Press, 2018. Reviewed in Finest Hour; Weekly Standard; Society; Voegelinview; Hillsdale College Churchill Project

The Form of Politics: Aristotle and Plato on Friendship. Montréal-Kingston: McGill-Queens University Press, 2016. Review symposia: International Political Anthropology; Political Science Reviewer; Voegelinview. Reviews: Review of Politics; Contemporary Political Theory; Interpretation: A Journal of Political Philosophy; Literary Review of Canada; Choice; New Oxford Review; Prospero: Philosophy for Education and Cultural Continuity; AMITY: The Journal of Friendship Studies; Polis: The Journal for Ancient Greek Political Thought; The International Journal of the Platonic Tradition; U.S. Catholic; Heythrop Journa

Augustine and Politics as Longing in the World. Columbia, MO: University of Missouri Press, 2001. Reviewed in American Political Science Review, Review of Politics, Journal of Politics, Journal of Religion, Choice, Virginia Quarterly Review, Bryn Mawr Review, Theological Studies, Studies in Christian Ethics, Anuario Filosofico, Philosophy in Review, National Post, Clarion Journal. Recommended by the Claremont Review of Books for one of its 2007 books to read for Christmas (http://www.claremont.org/publications/pubid.744/pub_detail.asp).


1.tWherefrom Does History Emerge?: Inquiries in Political Cosmology. Co-Editor with Tilo Schabert. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2020. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110672206

Hunting and Weaving, Empiricism and Political Philosophy. Co-Editor with Thomas Heilke. South Bend, IN: St. Augustine's Press, 2013.

The Primacy of Persons in Politics: Empiricism and Political Philosophy. Co-editor with Thomas Heilke. Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press, 2013.

Teaching in an Age of Ideology. Co-editor with Lee Trepanier. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2012.

Civil Religion in Political Thought: Its Perennial Questions and Enduring Relevance in North America. Editor with Ronald Weed. Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press, 2010.

Friendship and Politics: Essays in Political Thought. Editor with Richard Avramenko. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2008.
Published Essays, 1922-1928.

The Collected Works of Eric Voegelin. Vol. 7. Editor with Thomas W. Heilke. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 2003.

Published Essays, 1929-1933. The Collected Works of Eric Voegelin. Vol. 8. Editor with Thomas W. Heilke. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 2003.


1.t"'Had Every Athenian Citizen Been a Socrates': Plato and James Madison in the Court of Rainer Knopff." Political Science Reviewer. Forthcoming.
2.t"Introduction to Symposium on Barry Cooper's Paleolithic Politics: The Human Community in Early Art." Perspectives on Political Science. 2021. DOI: 10.1080/10457097.2021.1944762.
3.t"Introduction to Symposium on Barry Cooper's Consciousness and Politics: From Analysis to Meditation in the Late Works of Eric Voegelin." Political Science Reviewer. 43(2) 2019: 565—76. https://politicalsciencereviewer.wisc.edu/index.php/psr/article/view/643
4.t"Festivity and Friendship Among the Cowboys and Cowgirls: A Response to My Friends." Essay response to roundtable discussion of my book, The Form of Politics: Aristotle and Plato on Friendship, in Political Science Reviewer. 42(2) December 2018: 27—37. https://politicalsciencereviewer.wisc.edu/index.php/psr/article/view/599

"The Figure of Socrates and its Significance for Liberal Education in Asia." Cambridge Journal of China Studies. Vol. 13(1) 2018: 1-22.

"The Challenge and Promise of Religious Associations to Liberal Democratic Order." Supreme Court Law Review. (2017) Vol. 79. Second Series: 89-114. This was simultaneously published in Religion, Liberty, and the Jurisdictional Limits of Law. Edited by Barry Bussey and Iain Benson. Toronto: LexisNexis Canada, 2017.

"Holy Moly Under the Terebinth Tree: A Response to My Friends." International Political Anthropology. Vol. 10(1) 2017: 73-89. Rejoinder to symposium on my book The Form of Politics: Aristotle and Plato on Friendship.

"Political Friendship in Churchill's Marlborough." Perspectives on Political Science. 46(2) 2017: 93-100 (DOI: 10.1080/10457097.2016.1252616)
"Editor's Introduction: Symposium on Friendship and Statecraft in Transformative Times."
Perspectives on Political Science. 46(2) 2017: 83-6. DOI: 10.1080/10457097.2016.1252615


1.t"Friendship and Experience: Gilgamesh and Enkidu." Chapter for Experience: Implikationen für Mensch, Gesellschaft und Politik. Festschrift für Wolfgang Leidhold. Herausgegeben von Claudius Mandel und Philipp Thimm. Würzburg, Germany: Verlag Königshausen & Neumann, 2021. Pp. 221—32.

"The Figure of Socrates and its Significance for Liberal Education in Asia." Chapter in Eric Voegelin's Asian Thought. Edited by Lee Trepanier. Lexington Books, 2020.

"Editors' Introduction." Co-authored chapter in Wherefrom Does History Emerge?: Inquiries in Political Cosmology. Edited by Tilo Schabert and John von Heyking. De Gruyter, 2020. Pp. 1—6.

"History Brought Into A Form: Political Storytelling." Chapter in Wherefrom Does History Emerge?: Inquiries in Political Cosmology. Edited by Tilo Schabert and John von Heyking. De Gruyter, 2020. Pp. 77—96.

"Liberal Education, Friendship, and the 'Political Art in the True Sense'." Chapter in The Dignity of the Liberal Arts: Souls and Cities in Political Education. Edited by James Greenaway. Lexington Books, 2020. Pp. 57—86.

"Polygamy and the Political Problem of Eros in Houellebecq's Submission." Decline and Submission: Michel Houellebecq, the Cassandra of Freedom, edited by Michael S. Kochin and Alberto Spektorowski. Brill Publishing's Faux Titre Series on French Literature. Forthcoming.

"Preface." The New Science of Politics by Eric Voegelin. Chinese translation by Jin Li. Shanghai: Douban Books, 2019.

"Was Hayek a Rationalist?" In Tradition v. Rationalism: Voegelin, Oakeshott, Macintyre, Polanyi, Hayek, and Other Critics, edited by Gene Callahan and Lee Trepanier. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2018.

"The Challenge and Promise of Religious Associations to Liberal Democratic Order." In Religion, Liberty, and the Jurisdictional Limits of Law. Edited by Barry Bussey and Iain Benson. Toronto: LexisNexis Canada, 2017. Pp. 89-114. This was simultaneously published in Supreme Court Law Review. (2017) Vol. 79. Second Series: 89-114.

"Friendship: The Horizon of Our Common Life." In Reflections on Religion and Public Life, edited by Catherine Caufield, 59-78. Publication of Chester Ronning Centre for the Study of Religion and Public Life (University of Alberta, Augustana Campus). 2017 (https://www.ualberta.ca/augustana/research/centres/crc/publications

"The Intermediaries of the Eranos Festival:  Orpheus and Hermes," in Tilo Schabert (Ed.), The Eranos Movement. A Story of Hermeneutics. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2015. Pp. 57-72.

"Liberal Education Embedded in Civic Education for Responsible Government: The Case of John George Bourinot," in Liberal Education and Canadian Political Culture: The Legacy, The Need, And The Prospects, Edited By David Livingstone. Montreal-Kingston: McGill-Queens University Press, 2015. Pp. 44-76.


PhD (Political Science), University of Notre Dame; MA (Political Science), University of Calgary; BA (Political Science), University of Calgary

Research Interests

Political theory (ancient, medieval, modern, contemporary), Friendship, Statecraft, Politics of Reason and Revelation, Faith and Political Philosophy, Politics and Literature.

In The Media

August 2018: "What Socrates Means for Liberal Education in Asia." Liberal Arts Global Lens blog (published by New York University-Shanghai): https://globallensonliberalarts.shanghai.nyu.edu/blog/what-socrates-means-for-liberal-education-in-asia___?categoryId=43061

September 2017: "Sunaisthesis." The Montreal Review. Excerpt from my The Form of Politics book. http://www.themontrealreview.com/2009/Sunaisthesis.php

August 2017: Co-author with Thomas Kazakoff. "The Political Ties That Bind: Lougheed and Blakeney." Troy Media. August 28. (http://troymedia.com/2017/08/28/the-political-ties-that-bind-lougheed-and-blakeney/ Republished: Victoria Times Colonist. September 3, 2017 (http://www.timescolonist.com/opinion/columnists/opinion-lougheed-blakeney-showed-value-of-trust-1.22355121).

June 2017: "Guest Blogger: John von Heyking, The Form of Politics Author." McGill-Queens University Press blog. June 5, 2017. (http://www.mqup.ca/blog/guest-blogger-john-von-heyking-the-form-politics-author/)

May 2017: "Canada: Intimations of Liberty." Convivium. May 6, 2017. (https://www.convivium.ca/articles/canada-intimations-of-liberty)

Spring 2017: "Faith and Festivity." Convivium. Volume 5, No. 28. Final Issue: 16-20. Originally published in 2014 (listed below). For the journal's final print issue, the editors chose to republish six of the best essays published during the journal's five year print run, of which this was one.

Spring 2017: "Churchill's Marlborough as the "Sum of Things"." Contribution to symposium on the "Churchill Men" in The Finest Hour: The Journal of Winston Churchill. Spring 2017. No. 176: 32-4. https://www.winstonchurchill.org/publications/finest-hour/finest-hour-176/churchills-marlborough-sum-things

Research Areas

Religion and Politics
Friendship and Politics

Previous Research Areas

Civil religion
Just war
Friendship and Politics
Religion and Politics
Islam and politics
Medieval Political Thought
U.S.-Canadian Comparative Constitutionalism
Contemporary Political Thought


Civil religion
Just war
Canadian politics
Religion and politics
American politics
Politics and literature
politics of friendship
Political theory (ancient medieval modern contemporary)


Reading: German. French Latin ancient Greek (some)