Klein, Kurt


Economics Department

(403) 329-2438
(403) 329-2519

About Me

Personal web page: http://scholar.ulethbridge.ca/klein/

I have taught economics and agricultural economics courses at the University of Lethbridge since 1981. From 1972-1981, I was Research Economist at the Agriculture Canada Research Centre in Lethbridge. I also owned and operated a mixed beef and grain farm in northern Saskatchewan from 1962-1972.

I have a diploma in vocational agriculture plus Bachelor's and Master's degrees in agricultural economics from the University of Saskatchewan and a PhD from Purdue University. As Professor of Economics at the University of Lethbridge, I have conducted policy, trade and technological research in agriculture for more than 30 years. I also have taught and conducted research at three universities in Japan, one university in Germany, one university in China and at the University of British Columbia. I have conducted research on agricultural and resource issues in Japan, China, Germany, Denmark, India, Philippines, Viet Nam, Colombia, Mexico and the United States.

I have published the results of my research in a wide variety of books, professional journals and research reports. In recent years, I have written and presented papers on the impacts of water use, globalization, biotechnology, and domestic and international policies on Canadian agriculture.

Current Research

​Principal Investigator ​Co-Researchers ​Grant Agency
​Grant Amount
Grant Time Period ​
Water Policy and Management University of Lethbridge Kurt Klein, University of Lethbridge Henning Bjorlund
Water Policy and Management University of Lethbridge Kurt Klein, University of Lethbridge Henning Bjorlund Alberta Water Research Institute $1.7 Million over 4 Years 2009-2013

Previous Research

​Title ​Grant Agency ​Completion Date
​Water use ​Alberta Ingenuity Centre for Water Research ​2010
​Economics of biofuels ​Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) ​2009
​Costs and benefits of BSE testing ​Alberta Prion Research Institute ​2010



Wang, Jinxia, K.K. Klein, Henning Bjornlund, Lijuan Zhang and Wencui Zhang. 2015. Adoption of improved scheduling methods in Alberta: An empirical analysis. Canadian Water Resources Journal 40(1): 47-61.

Ali, Md. Kamar and K. K. Klein. 2014. Water use efficiency and productivity of the irrigation districts in Southern Alberta. Water Resources Management 28: 2751-2766.

Ali, Md. Kamar and K. K. Klein. 2014. Implications of current and alternative water allocation policies in the Bow River Sub Basin of Southern Alberta. Agricultural Water Management 133: 1-11.

Yan, Wen and K. K. Klein. 2013. Transfer of land use rights in China: Results of a survey of rural households in 8 counties of Hebei province. International Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology 1(3): 33-42.

Le Roy, Danny G. and K. K. Klein. 2012. The policy objectives of a biofuels industry in Canada: An assessment. Agriculture 2: 436-451.

Klein, K. K., Robert Bewer, Md. Kamar Ali and S. N. Kulshreshtha. 2012. Estimating water use efficiencies for water management reform in Southern Alberta irrigated agriculture. Water Policy 14(6): 1015-1032.

Xu, Wei, Xiaomeng Ren, Tom Johnston, Yongyuan Yin, Kurt Klein, and Anne Smith. 2012. Spatial and temporal variation in vulnerability of crop production to drought in southern Alberta. The Canadian Geographers 56(4): 474-491. (DOI: 10.1111/j.1541-0064.2012.00440.x)

Dong, Chong, Xiumei Liu and K. K. Klein. 2012. Land degradation and population relocation in Northern China. Asia Pacific Viewpoint 53(2): 163-177.

Klein, K. K.., Wen Yan and Danny G. Le Roy. 2012. Estimating the incremental gross margins due to irrigation water in Southern Alberta. Canadian Water Resources Journal 37(2): 89-103.

Qiao, Guanghua, Ting Guo and K. K. Klein. 2012. Melamine and Other Food Safety and Health Scares in China: Comparing Households With and Without Children. Food Control 26: 378-386.

He, Lixia, Theordore M. Horbulyk, Md. Kamar Ali, Danny G. Le Roy and K. K. Klein. 2012. Proportional water sharing vs. seniority-based allocation in the Bow River Basin of Southern Alberta. Agricultural Water Management 104: 21-31.

Klein, K. K., Danny G. Le Roy and Tatiana Cook. 2012. International Water Sharing: Examining the Montana - Alberta Dispute in the Context of the Century-old Boundary Waters Treaty. Water Policy 14(2): 358-370.

Le Roy, Danny G., Amani E. Elobeid and K. K. Klein. 2011. The impacts of trade barriers on mandated biofuel consumption in Canada. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 59(4): 457-474.

Klein, K. K., R. Grant-Kalischuk, H. Bjornlund and P. L. Wilson. 2011. Potential impacts of climate change on water and public health in Alberta, Canada. Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering 4(5): 519-522.

Qiao, Guanghua, Ting Guo and K. K. Klein. 2010. Melamine in Chinese milk products and consumer confidence. Appetite 55(2): 190-195.

Nicol, Lorraine, Henning Bjornlund and K. K. Klein. 2010. Private Irrigators in Southern Alberta: A Survey of Their Adoption of Improved Irrigation Technologies and Management Practices. Canadian Water Resources Journal 35(3): 339-350.

Xiu, Changbai and K. K. Klein. 2010. Melamine in Milk Products in China: Examining the Factors that Led to Deliberate Use of the Contaminant. Food Policy 35(5): 463-470.

Klein, K. K. and Danny Le Roy. 2010. BSE in Canada: Were economic losses to the beef industry covered by government compensation? Canadian Public Policy 36(2): 227-240.

Grant Kalischuk, Ruth I., Manju P. Acharya, K. K. Klein and Henning Bjornlund. 2009. Drinking water supply and human health: Alberta cattle feedlot operators' and family members' perspectives. Journal of Environmental Research and Development 3(4): 951-958.

Zhang, Ruijin, Yuanfeng Zhao and K. K. Klein. 2009. Perceived information needs and availability: Results of a survey of small dairy farmers in Inner Mongolia. Information Research 14:3 paper 411 [Available at http://InformationR.net/ir/14-3/paper411.html]

Qiao, Guanghua, Lijuan Zhao and K. K. Klein. 2009. Water user associations in Inner Mongolia: Factors that influence farmers to join. Agricultural Water Management 96 (5): 822-830.

Bjornlund, Henning, Lorraine Nicol and K. K. Klein. 2009. The adoption of improved technology and management practices - A study of two irrigation districts in Alberta Canada. Agricultural Water Management 96(1): 121-131.

Le Roy, D. G. and K. K. Klein. 2008. Impacts and lessons from BSE episodes. CAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources 3 (087), 7 pp.

Kaushik, Krishan K., Lawrence Nii Arbenser, and K. K. Klein. 2008. Export growth, export instability, investment and economic growth in India: A time series analysis. Journal of Developing Areas 41(2): 155-170.

Nicol, Lorraine A., Henning Bjornlund and K. K. Klein. 2008. Improved technologies and management practices in irrigation - Implications for water savings in Southern Alberta. Canadian Water Resources Journal 33(3): 283-294.

Nicol, Lorraine A., K. K. Klein and Henning Bjornlund. 2008. Permanent transfer of water rights: A study of the southern Alberta market. Prairie Forum 33(2): 341-356.

Bjornlund, H., L. Nicol and K. K. Klein. 2008. Implementing Alberta's Water for Life strategy: An irrigation industry perspective. Prairie Forum 33(1): 167-190.

Mir, P. S., K.S Schwartzkopf-Genswein, T. Entz, K.K. Klein, E. Okine and M.V. Dodson. 2007. Effect of a short duration feed withdrawal followed by full feeding on marbling fat in beef carcasses. Livestock Science 116: 22-29.

Le Roy, Danny G., K. K. Klein and Lawrence Nii Arbenser. 2007. An evaluation of economic models to provide policy advice in response to the BSE crisis in Canada. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 55(4): 551-564.

Acharya, Manju P., Ruth Grant Kalischuk, K. K. Klein and Henning Bjornlund. 2007. Do water contamination reports influence water use practices on feedlot farms and rural households in southern Alberta? Canadian tWater Resources Journal 32(3): 213-226.

Bjornlund, Henning, Lorraine Nicol and K. K. Klein. 2007. Challenges in implementing economic instruments to manage irrigation water on farms in southern Alberta. Agricultural Water Management 92 (3): 131-141.

Kaushik, Krishan K., Kurt K. Klein and Lawrence Arbenser. 2006. An econometric analysis of export-led growth in a multivariate VAR framework: Evidence from India. Quarterly Journal of Indian Institute of Foreign tTrade, Foreign Trade Review XLI(3): 3-24.

Kaushik Krishan K., Kurt K. Klein, Lawrence N. Arbenser and Anupama Tandon. 2006. The relationship between health status and health care expenditure in a developing hill economy: An econometric approach. The Indian Economic Journal 54(3): 51-64.

Nicol, Lorraine A. and K. K. Klein. 2006. Water market characteristics: Results from a survey of Southern Alberta irrigators. Canadian Water Resources Journal 31(2): 91-104.

Grant Kalischuk, Ruth, Nadine Nowatzki, Kelly Cardwell, Kurt Klein and Jason Solowoniuk. 2006. Problem gambling and its impact on families: A literature review. International Gambling Studies 6(1): 31-60.

LE ROY, Danny G. and K. K. KLEIN. 2005. Mad cow chaos in Canada: Was it just bad luck or did government policies play a role? Canadian Public Policy 31(4): 381-400.

LE ROY, DANNY G. and K. K. KLEIN. 2003. Apocalypse Cow: The effect of BSE on Canada=s beef industry. Western Economics Forum 2(2): 20-27.

LE ROY, DANNY G. and K. K. KLEIN. 2003. Say hay and hay west: Charity, government and farmer responses to the 2002 drought in western Canada. Western Economics Forum 2(1): 14-18.

SMITH, E.G., L. HEIGH, K. K. KLEIN, J. R. MOYER, and R. E. BLACKSHAW. 2001. Economic analysis of cover crops in crop summer fallow-crop systems. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 56(4): 315-321.

FAMINOW, MERLE D., K. K. KLEIN, and PROJECT OPERATIONS UNIT. 2001. On farm testing and dissemination of agroforestry among slash and burn farmers in Nagaland, India. Development in Practice 11(4): 471-486.

KLEIN, K. K. and A. M. WALBURGER. 2001. Voting for registration of new varieties of grains in western Canada: A collegial process in a competitive time. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 49(2): 233-246.


Dip.Ag., 1963, University of Saskatchewan; BSA (Agricultural Economics), 1970, University of Saskatchewan; MSc (Agricultural Economics), 1972, University of Saskatchewan; PhD (Agricultural Economics), Purdue University, 1976.

In The Media

Biofuel 'red flags' unfurled; Lethbridge Herald; March 28, 2007.

Distinguished Teaching and Research Award Recipients; Legend; June 2004 convocation issue.

Klein Receives Largest SSHRC Grant in U of L History; Legend; September 2003.

Board of Governors Research Chair Positions Announced; Legend; May 2003.

Environmentally Friendly Economics; Community Report 2003.

Research Areas

Agricultural production
land use and food safety in Inner Mongolia
Economics of water use in Alberta


trade and technological improvements
Economics of agricultural production