Wetmore, Stacey


Chemistry & Biochemistry

(403) 329-2323
(403) 329-2285

Current Research

​Principal Investigator ​Co-Researchers ​Grant Agency
​Grant Amount
Grant Time Period ​
Computer Modeling of Properties, Interactions and Reactions of Natural and Modified DNA Lethbridge, AB S. Wetmore, University of Lethbridge
High-Performance Computing Resources for Computational Chemistry Lethbridge, AB S. Wetmore, University of Lethbridge University of Lethbridge $164,036
High-Performance Computing Resources for Computational Chemistry Lethbridge, AB S. Wetmore, University of Lethbridge Canada Foundation for Innovation $122,529 2006-07
High-Performance Computing Resources for Computational Chemistry Lethbridge, AB S. Wetmore, University of Lethbridge Dell $19,758
High-Performance Computing Resources for Computational Chemistry Lethbridge, AB S. Wetmore, University of Lethbridge
Computer Modeling of Properties, Interactions and Reactions of Natural and Modified DNA Lethbridge, AB S. Wetmore, University of Lethbridge NSERC Discovery Grant $44,430 per year 2007-12

Previous Research

​Title ​Grant Agency ​Completion Date
​Computational Studies of the Properties and Reactions of DNA and modified DNA components ​NSERC Discovery Grant ​2007
​Computer Modeling of Drug Interactions with DNA ​Brunswick Innovation Foundation – Research Assistantships Initiative ​2004
​A Computational Study of How Nature Repairs Damaged DNA Purines ​Research Corporation, Cottrell College Science Awards ​2006
​Computer Cluster Technician ​New Brunswick Innovation Foundation – Research Technicians Initiative ​2007
​The Computer Aided Design of Novel Therapeutics ​New Brunswick Innovation Foundation – Research Assistantships Initiative ​2003
​A Linux Cluster for Computational Chemistry, Discrete-Event Control Theory and QCD Effects in Hadronic Rare B Decays ​Canada Foundation for Innovation, New Brunswick Innovation Foundation, New Brunswick Government's University Infrastructure Trust Fund, (IBM Canada, in-kind) ​2003
​Computational Investigations of the Properties and Reactions of Important Biomolecules ​NSERC Discovery Grant ​2005
​A Computer Workstation for Calculations on Molecules Essential to Life ​NSERC Equipment Grant ​2002




B.Sc. (Hons.) (Chemistry and Mathematics); Ph.D. (Computational Chemistry)

In The Media

Wired for Success; Legend; June 2007.

Supercomputer boosts U of L research; Lethbridge Herald; February 27, 2007.

New Faculty Take a Chair at the U of L; Legend; January 2007.

Research Areas

Computational chemistry Molecular modeling DNA structure and function DNA damage mechanisms DNA repair enzymes Modified DNA components Weak interactions Hydrogen-bond strengths Stacking interactions ab initio methods Density functional theory Electronic structure One-electron properties Reaction mechanisms

Previous Research Areas

Reaction mechanisms
One-electron properties
Electronic structure
Stacking interactions
Hydrogen-bond strengths
Weak interactions
Computational chemistry
Density functional theory
ab initio methods
DNA structure and function
Vitamin B12 mechanism of action
DNA radiation damage
Modified DNA components
DNA repair enzymes
DNA damage mechanisms
Molecular modeling


Computational chemistry
Stacking interactions
Hydrogen-bond strengths
Weak interactions
Reaction mechanisms
One-electron properties
Electronic structure
Density functional theory
ab initio methods
Molecular modeling