Konschuh, Michele

Associate Professor

Biological Sciences Department

(403) 329-2661


Dr. Michele Konschuh is an Irrigated Crop Scientist with the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Lethbridge. Michele earned a Ph.D. from the University of Calgary in 1995 studying Developmental Plant Physiology in the Biological Sciences Department. Dr. Konschuh worked on potato and other irrigated crops with Alberta Agriculture and Forestry for over 20 years, first as a Research Scientist with the Cropping Systems section and more recently with the Irrigation Management section. The focus of her irrigated crop research will be to foster increased irrigation efficiency while maintaining competitive production of specialty crops, especially those with value added processing in Alberta.

Research Interests

Potato agronomy
Potato variety evaluation
Potato storage evaluation
Potato greening
Irrigated crop research
Irrigation management
Sustainable agriculture practices
Greenhouse gas emissions
Alternative fertilizer use
Blackleg disease of potato

In The Media
