Epplett, Christopher

Associate Professor

History and Religion Department

(403) 329-5143
(403) 329-5108


HISTORY 1000: Western Civilization
HISTORY 2001: Main Themes in Ancient History
HISTORY 3007: Greek and Roman Mythology
HISTORY 3100: The Roman Revolution: From Republic to Empire
HISTORY 3100: The Ancient Greek City-State
HISTORY 3100: The Later Roman Empire
HISTORY 3100: The Hellenistic Age
HISTORY 4001: Ancient Warfare and Society
HISTORY 4001: Ancient Sports and Entertainment

Current Research

​Principal Investigator ​Co-Researchers ​Grant Agency
​Grant Amount
Grant Time Period ​
Writing book on “Animal Spectacles of the Roman Empire"
Irregular Roman Forts Germany, Holland, Switzerland Chris Epplett, University of Lethbridge Tony Barrett, University of British Columbia
Irregular Roman Forts Germany, Holland, Switzerland Chris Epplett, University of Lethbridge Tony Barrett, University of British Columbia University of Lethbridge Research Fund $4,500 2003 - current

Previous Research

​Title ​Grant Agency ​Completion Date
​“War Elephants in the Hellenistic Period” ​2006
​“Anastasius and the Venationes” ​2004
​“Winter Warfare in Antiquity: Image and Reality” ​2003
​“The Preparation of Animals for Roman Spectacula. Vivaria and their Administration” ​2003
​“The Capture of Animals by the Roman Military” ​2001


B.A. (Hons) McMaster University; M.A. McMaster University; Ph.D. University of British Columbia.

Research Interests

Chris' broad research interests are ancient military and social history, in particular that of the Hellenistic world and the later Roman Empire. One of Chris' particular interests is spectacles, such as gladiatorial combat, in the ancient world. He wrote his dissertation on the Roman beast-hunts, and has published a number of articles on the same subject.

Research Areas

Animal spectacles of the Roman Empire
Irregular Roman forts of the Julio-Claudian period on the Rhine frontier

Previous Research Areas

War elephants in the Hellenistic period
Roman animal spectacles in late antiquity
Procurement of exotic animals in antiquity
Ancient exploration


Gladiatorial combat in the ancient world
Hellenistic world and the later Roman Empire
Ancient military and social history

