Brayton, Sean

Associate Professor

Kinesiology & Physical Education

(403) 332-4513

Kinesiology & Physical Education

(403) 332-4506
Socio/Cultural Lab
(403) 332-4506

Office Hours

Wednesday: 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM


Bachelor of Arts, University of Lethbridge
Master of Arts, University of Alberta
Doctor of Philosophy, University of British Columbia


Brayton, S. (2013). When Commodities Attack: Reading Narratives of the Great Recession and Late Capitalism in Contemporary Horror Films. Studies in Media and Communication, 1(2), 150-161.

Brayton, S. (2012). Learning to Labour with Handy Manny: Immigration Politics and the World of Work in a Children's Cartoon. Social Semiotics, 23(2), 1-17.

Boyle, E. and Brayton, S. (2012). Ageing Bodies and "Muscle Work" in The Expendables. Men and Masculinities, 15(5), 469-485.

Brayton, S. (2012). Working Stiff(s) on Reality Television during the Great Recession. Societies, 2(4) (Special Issue: Embodied Action, Embodied Theory), 235-251.

Brayton, S. (2012). The Migrant Monsters of Canadian Multiculturalism in Andrew Currie's Fido. In H. K. Wright, M. Singh and R. Race (eds.), Precarious International Multicultural Education: Hegemony, Dissent and Rising Alternatives (pp. 297-314). Rotterdam: Sense.

Brayton, S. (2011). Razing Arizona: Migrant Labour and the "Mexican Avenger" in Machete. International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics, 7(3), 275-292.

Brayton, S. and Millington, B. (2011). Renovating Ethnic Identity on Restaurant Makeover. Social Identities, 17(2).

Brayton, S. (2011). The Racial Politics of Disaster and Dystopia in I Am Legend. Velvet Light Trap 67 (Special Issue: "Seeing Race—Our Enduring Dilemma").

Brayton, S. (2009) Race Comedy and the "Misembodied" Voice. Topia: A Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies, 22, 97-116.

Brayton, S. (2008) "Mexican" Labor in the Hollywood Imaginary. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 11(4).

Brayton, S. (2008) The Post-white Imaginary in Alex Proyas's I, Robot. Science Fiction Studies,
35(1), 72-87.

Brayton, S. and Alexander, T. (2007) A response to Rail. Sociology of Sport Journal, 24(4), 486-491.

Brayton, S. and Alexander, T. (2007) Dunky the Frog and the Politics of Irony. Sociology of Sport Journal, 24(3), 241-260.

Brayton, S. (2007) MTV's Jackass: Transgression, Abjection and the Economy of White
Masculinity. Journal of Gender Studies, 16(1), 55-70.

Brayton, S. (2006) An American Werewolf in Kabul: John Walker Lindh, the Construction of "Race," and the Return to Whiteness. International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics 2.2, 167-182.

Brayton, S. (2005) "Malibu's Most Undercover Guru": Deconstructing Race Thru a Comical Pedagogy of Whiteness. Topia: A Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies, 14, 57-72.

Brayton, S. (2005) Black-lash: Revisiting the "White Negro" Through Skateboarding. Sociology of Sport Journal (Special Issue on Whiteness and Sport), 22(3), 356-72.

Research Interests

Cultural Studies of the Body
Critical Multiculturalism
Visual Narratives of Race and Labour in Film and Television (with a focus on comedy, melodrama and science fiction)

In The Media

"Zombie Walk in Lethbridge", Your City, CityTV (Calgary). Producer: Norm LeBus. October 6, 2009.


Critical Multiculturalism
Physical Activity
Film and Television
Popular Culture
Race and Ethnicity
Cultural Studies