Brayton, Sean
Associate Professor
Kinesiology & Physical Education
- Phone
- (403) 332-4513
Kinesiology & Physical Education
- Phone
- (403) 332-4506
Socio/Cultural Lab
- Phone
- (403) 332-4506
Office Hours
Wednesday: 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Bachelor of Arts, University of Lethbridge
Master of Arts, University of Alberta
Doctor of Philosophy, University of British Columbia
Master of Arts, University of Alberta
Doctor of Philosophy, University of British Columbia
Brayton, S. (2013). When Commodities Attack: Reading Narratives of the Great Recession and Late Capitalism in Contemporary Horror Films. Studies in Media and Communication, 1(2), 150-161.
Brayton, S. (2012). Learning to Labour with Handy Manny: Immigration Politics and the World of Work in a Children's Cartoon. Social Semiotics, 23(2), 1-17.
Boyle, E. and Brayton, S. (2012). Ageing Bodies and "Muscle Work" in The Expendables. Men and Masculinities, 15(5), 469-485.
Brayton, S. (2012). Working Stiff(s) on Reality Television during the Great Recession. Societies, 2(4) (Special Issue: Embodied Action, Embodied Theory), 235-251.
Brayton, S. (2012). The Migrant Monsters of Canadian Multiculturalism in Andrew Currie's Fido. In H. K. Wright, M. Singh and R. Race (eds.), Precarious International Multicultural Education: Hegemony, Dissent and Rising Alternatives (pp. 297-314). Rotterdam: Sense.
Brayton, S. (2011). Razing Arizona: Migrant Labour and the "Mexican Avenger" in Machete. International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics, 7(3), 275-292.
Brayton, S. and Millington, B. (2011). Renovating Ethnic Identity on Restaurant Makeover. Social Identities, 17(2).
Brayton, S. (2011). The Racial Politics of Disaster and Dystopia in I Am Legend. Velvet Light Trap 67 (Special Issue: "Seeing Race—Our Enduring Dilemma").
Brayton, S. (2009) Race Comedy and the "Misembodied" Voice. Topia: A Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies, 22, 97-116.
Brayton, S. (2008) "Mexican" Labor in the Hollywood Imaginary. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 11(4).
Brayton, S. (2008) The Post-white Imaginary in Alex Proyas's I, Robot. Science Fiction Studies,
35(1), 72-87.
Brayton, S. and Alexander, T. (2007) A response to Rail. Sociology of Sport Journal, 24(4), 486-491.
Brayton, S. and Alexander, T. (2007) Dunky the Frog and the Politics of Irony. Sociology of Sport Journal, 24(3), 241-260.
Brayton, S. (2007) MTV's Jackass: Transgression, Abjection and the Economy of White
Masculinity. Journal of Gender Studies, 16(1), 55-70.
Brayton, S. (2006) An American Werewolf in Kabul: John Walker Lindh, the Construction of "Race," and the Return to Whiteness. International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics 2.2, 167-182.
Brayton, S. (2005) "Malibu's Most Undercover Guru": Deconstructing Race Thru a Comical Pedagogy of Whiteness. Topia: A Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies, 14, 57-72.
Brayton, S. (2005) Black-lash: Revisiting the "White Negro" Through Skateboarding. Sociology of Sport Journal (Special Issue on Whiteness and Sport), 22(3), 356-72.
Brayton, S. (2012). Learning to Labour with Handy Manny: Immigration Politics and the World of Work in a Children's Cartoon. Social Semiotics, 23(2), 1-17.
Boyle, E. and Brayton, S. (2012). Ageing Bodies and "Muscle Work" in The Expendables. Men and Masculinities, 15(5), 469-485.
Brayton, S. (2012). Working Stiff(s) on Reality Television during the Great Recession. Societies, 2(4) (Special Issue: Embodied Action, Embodied Theory), 235-251.
Brayton, S. (2012). The Migrant Monsters of Canadian Multiculturalism in Andrew Currie's Fido. In H. K. Wright, M. Singh and R. Race (eds.), Precarious International Multicultural Education: Hegemony, Dissent and Rising Alternatives (pp. 297-314). Rotterdam: Sense.
Brayton, S. (2011). Razing Arizona: Migrant Labour and the "Mexican Avenger" in Machete. International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics, 7(3), 275-292.
Brayton, S. and Millington, B. (2011). Renovating Ethnic Identity on Restaurant Makeover. Social Identities, 17(2).
Brayton, S. (2011). The Racial Politics of Disaster and Dystopia in I Am Legend. Velvet Light Trap 67 (Special Issue: "Seeing Race—Our Enduring Dilemma").
Brayton, S. (2009) Race Comedy and the "Misembodied" Voice. Topia: A Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies, 22, 97-116.
Brayton, S. (2008) "Mexican" Labor in the Hollywood Imaginary. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 11(4).
Brayton, S. (2008) The Post-white Imaginary in Alex Proyas's I, Robot. Science Fiction Studies,
35(1), 72-87.
Brayton, S. and Alexander, T. (2007) A response to Rail. Sociology of Sport Journal, 24(4), 486-491.
Brayton, S. and Alexander, T. (2007) Dunky the Frog and the Politics of Irony. Sociology of Sport Journal, 24(3), 241-260.
Brayton, S. (2007) MTV's Jackass: Transgression, Abjection and the Economy of White
Masculinity. Journal of Gender Studies, 16(1), 55-70.
Brayton, S. (2006) An American Werewolf in Kabul: John Walker Lindh, the Construction of "Race," and the Return to Whiteness. International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics 2.2, 167-182.
Brayton, S. (2005) "Malibu's Most Undercover Guru": Deconstructing Race Thru a Comical Pedagogy of Whiteness. Topia: A Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies, 14, 57-72.
Brayton, S. (2005) Black-lash: Revisiting the "White Negro" Through Skateboarding. Sociology of Sport Journal (Special Issue on Whiteness and Sport), 22(3), 356-72.
Research Interests
Cultural Studies of the Body
Critical Multiculturalism
Visual Narratives of Race and Labour in Film and Television (with a focus on comedy, melodrama and science fiction)
Critical Multiculturalism
Visual Narratives of Race and Labour in Film and Television (with a focus on comedy, melodrama and science fiction)
In The Media
"Zombie Walk in Lethbridge", Your City, CityTV (Calgary). Producer: Norm LeBus. October 6, 2009.
Critical Multiculturalism
Physical Activity
Film and Television
Popular Culture
Race and Ethnicity
Cultural Studies