Mueller, Richard


Economics Department

(403) 329-2241
(403) 329-2519
Academic Director

Research Data Centre

(403) 329-2241
(403) 329-2519

About Me

I am currently Professor in the Department of Economics and Academic Director of the Lethbridge Research Data Centre.

My current teaching includes labour economics, Canadian economic history and public finance.


I have been at the University of Lethbridge since 2000. Prior to this I was Assistant Professor of Economics and Canadian Studies at the University of Maine. I hold a B.A. (Honours) and an M.A., both from the University of Calgary, and a Ph.D. from the University of Texas.

Since joining the University of Lethbridge, I have taken part in the Hokkai-Gakuen Faculty Exchange (Fall 2004), taken a sabbatical year in Germany and France (2006-07) and worked at Statistics Canada in Ottawa (2009-2011) as part of the Interchange Canada program.

Current Research

​Principal Investigator ​Co-Researchers ​Grant Agency
​Grant Amount
Grant Time Period ​
Early Background and Access to Post-Secondary Education in Canada Co-investigator with Ross Finnie
Early Background and Access to Post-Secondary Education in Canada Co-investigator with Ross Finnie Educational Policy Institute 2006-07

Previous Research

​Title ​Grant Agency ​Completion Date
​“The Migration of Highly Skilled Individuals Within and Between Canada and the United States,” ​Industry Canada ​2006
​The Effect of the Maclean’s Rankings on the Entering Class of University Students ​University of Lethbridge Research Enhancement Award ​2002
​Relative Earnings Position of Canadian Natives in the 1990s,” Multidisciplinary Aboriginal Program (MAP) ​Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) ​2003
​Transmigration from Canada to the United States: How Many “Foreigners” are Leaving the Country? ​University of Lethbridge Research Fund ​2003
​The Influence of Student Loans on Education and Labour Market Attainments ​SSHRC Student Research Assistants’ Grant Program ​2003


Edited Volumes

Finnie, R., Frenette, M., Mueller, R.E., & Sweetman A. (Eds.). 2010.Pursuing Higher Education in Canada: Economic, Social and Policy Dimensions. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press and School of Policy Studies, Queen's University.

Finnie, R., Mueller, R.E., Sweetman A., & Usher, A. (Eds.). 2008. Who Goes? Who Stays? What Matters? Accessing and Persisting in Post-Secondary Education in Canada. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press and School of Policy Studies, Queen's University.

Edited Journal Issues

Finnie, R., Mueller, R.E., & Sweetman A. (Eds.). 2018. Information and Communications Technology Talent/Skill Challenges, Canadian Public Policy, Special Issue.

Refereed Journal Articles

Mueller, R.E. 2022. "Gender Pay Gap in the Public Sector: Evidence from the Canadian Labour Force Survey." Labour 36(1), 29-70.

Mueller, R.E., & Truong, N.T.K. 2022. "Wages and Basic Skills Inequality Between Immigrants by Immigration Admission Categories and Canadian Non-immigrants," Empirical Economics 62(4), 1833-84.

Ansah, A., & Mueller, R.E. 2021. "Public and Private Sector Earnings of Immigrants and the Canadian-born: Evidence from the Labour Force Survey." Journal of International Migration and Integration 22(4), 1403-29.

Mueller, R.E., W. Smoke, & K. Truong. 2018. The Underrepresentation of Women in Canada's ICT Sector: What Can We Learn from the PIAAC? Canadian Public Policy 44(S1), S73-S90.

Childs, S., Finnie, R., & Mueller, R.E. 2018. "Assessing the Importance of Cultural Capital on PSE Attendance in Canada," Journal of Further and Higher Education 42(1), 57-91.

Finnie, R. & Mueller, R.E. 2017. "Access to Post-Secondary Education: How does Québec Compare to the Rest of Canada?" L'Actualité économique 93(3).

Childs, S., Finnie, R., & Mueller, R.E. 2017. "Why Do So Many Children of Immigrants Attend University? Evidence for Canada," Journal of International Migration and Integration 18(1), 1-28.

Finnie, R., Mueller, R.E., & Wismer A. 2015. "Access and Barriers to Post-secondary Education in Canada: Evidence from the YITS," Canadian Journal of Higher Education 45(2), 229-62.

Mueller, R.E. 2014. "Wage Differentials of Males and Females in Same-sex and Different-sex Couples in Canada, 2006-2010," Canadian Studies in Population 41(3-4), 105-16.

Laporte, C., & Mueller, R.E. 2013. "The Completion Behaviour of Registered Apprentices in Canada: Who Continues, Who Quits, and Who Completes Programs?" Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training 5(1) (

Hunt, G.L., & Mueller, R.E. 2013. "Fiscal Policy, Returns to Skill, and Canada-U.S. Migration: Evidence from the Late-1990s," Canadian Public Policy 39(1), 153-82.

Mueller, R.E. 2013. "A Note on Canadian Migration to the United States During the 1980s and 1990s," Applied Economics 45(22), 3197-3210.

Laporte, C., & R.E. Mueller, 2011. "The Persistence Behaviour of Registered Apprentices: Who Continues, Quits, or Completes Programs?" Canadian Apprenticeship Journal 4 (online at

Mueller, R.E. 2009. "Does the Statue of Liberty Still Face Out? The Diversion of Foreign Students from the United States to Canada in the Post 9/11 Period," Canadian Journal of Higher Education 39(1), 15-43.

Mueller, R.E. 2006. "What Happened to the Canada-U.S. Brain Drain of the 1990s? New Evidence from the 2000 U.S. Census," Journal of International Migration and Integration, 7(2), 167-94.

Mueller, R.E. 2005. "The Effect of Marital Dissolution on the Labour Supply of Males and Females: Evidence from Canada," Journal of Socio-Economics, 34(6), 787-809.

Mueller, R.E. 2005. "Mexican Immigrants and Temporary Residents in Canada: Current Knowledge and Future Research," Migraciones Internacionales, 3(1), 32-56.

Mueller, R.E., & D. Rockerbie. 2005. "Determining Demand for University Education in Ontario by Type of Student," with Duane Rockerbie. Economics of Education Review, 24(4), 469-83.

Mueller, R.E. 2004. "The Relative Earnings Position of Canadian Aboriginals in the 1990s," Canadian Journal of Native Studies, 24(1), 37-63.

Hunt, G.L., & Mueller, R.E. 2004. "Canadian Immigration to the U.S., 1985-1990: Estimates from a Roy Selection Model of Differences in Returns to Skill," Review of Economics and Statistics, 86(4), 988-1007.

Mueller, R.E. 2004). "Transmigration from Canada to the United States: How Many 'Foreigners' are Leaving the Country?" Revista Mexicana de Estudios Canadienses (Nuevo Epoca), 8, 79-105.

Moore, C.S., & Mueller, R.E. 2002. "The Transition from Paid to Self-Employment in Canada: The Importance of Push Factors," Applied Economics, 34(6), 791-801.

Hunt, G.L., & Mueller, R.E. 2002. "A Methodology for Estimating Returns to Skills for Canadian Provinces and U.S. States," Journal of Regional Science, 42(1), 127-43.

Chapters in Edited Volumes

Mueller, Richard E. 2023. "Alberta's Brain Drain Redux: The Migration of Alberta's Youth Under the UCP," in R. Acuña, & T.W. Harrison (Eds.). Anger and Angst: Jason Kenney's Legacy and Alberta's Right. Montreal: Black Rose Books.

Mueller, R.E. 2021. "Public and Private Sector Wages: How does Alberta Compare to the "Big 3" Provinces?" in K.J. McKenzie, & R.L. Mansell (Eds.). Alberta's Economic and Fiscal Future. School of Public Policy, University of Calgary, 265-90.

Finnie, R., Mueller, R.E., & Sweetman, A. 2016. "The Cultural Determinants of Access to Post-Secondary (Higher) Education in Canada: Empirical Evidence and Policy Implications," in B. Jongbloed & H. Vossensteyn (Eds.). Access and Expansion Post-Massification: Opportunities and Barriers to Further Growth in Higher Education Participation. London and New York: Routledge, 150-178.

Childs, S., Finnie, R., & Mueller, R.E. 2010. "Family Environment, Family Habits, and Children's Cultural Experiences: Is There a Link to Participation in Post-Secondary Education?" in R. Finnie, M. Frenette, M., R.E. Mueller, & A. Sweetman (Eds.). Pursuing Higher Education in Canada: Economic, Social and Policy Dimensions. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press and School of Policy Studies, Queen's University, 243-67.

Finnie, R., & Mueller, R.E. 2010. "They Came, They Saw, They Enrolled: Access to Post-Secondary Education by the Children of Canadian Immigrants," in R. Finnie, M. Frenette, M., R.E. Mueller, & A. Sweetman, (Eds.). Pursuing Higher Education in Canada: Economic, Social and Policy Dimensions. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press and School of Policy Studies, Queen's University, 191-216.

Frenette, M., Mueller, R.E., & A. Sweetman. 2010. "Introduction: Deepening Our Understanding of Young Canadians' Participation in Post-Secondary Education," in R. Finnie, M. Frenette, M., R.E. Mueller, & A. Sweetman, (Eds.). Pursuing Higher Education in Canada: Economic, Social and Policy Dimensions. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press and School of Policy Studies, Queen's University, 1-12.

Mueller, R.E. 2008. "Access and Persistence of Students in Canadian Post-Secondary Education: What We Know, What We Don't Know, and Why It Matters," in R. Finnie, R.E. Mueller, A. Sweetman, & A. Usher (Eds.), Who Goes? Who Stays? What Matters? Accessing and Persisting in Post-Secondary Education in Canada. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press and School of Policy Studies, Queen's University, 33-61.

Finnie, R., & Mueller, R.E. 2008. "The Backgrounds of Canadian Youth and Access to Post-secondary Education: New Evidence from the Youth in Transition Survey," in R. Finnie, R.E. Mueller, A. Sweetman, & A. Usher (Eds.), Who Goes? Who Stays? What Matters? Accessing and Persisting in Post-Secondary Education in Canada. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press and School of Policy Studies, Queen's University, 79-107.

Mueller, R.E., & Rockerbie, D. 2005. "The Maclean's Rankings and Admissions at Ontario Universities," with Duane Rockerbie, in C.M. Beach, R.W. Boadway, & R.M. McInnis (Eds.), Higher Education in Canada. Kingston: Queen's University, John Deutsch Institute for the Study of Economic Policy in cooperation with McGill-Queen's University Press, 339-67.

Hunt, G.L., & Mueller, R.E. 2004. "International and Interregional Migration in North America: The Role of Returns to Skill," in Barbara Messamore (Ed.), Canadian Migration Patterns from Britain and North America. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 229-44.

See CV for additional publications.


B.A. (Hons.), M.A., Ph.D. (Economics)

Research Interests

My current research focus is on the determinants of access to post-secondary education in Canada and I also dabble in other labour market issues. See my CV below for past and current research.

In The Media

My work has appeared in local, national and international media. I have been interviewed on various topics by local and national television and radio stations, and by national and regional newspapers and other outlets.


Labour economics