Mueller, Richard
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Academic Director
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- (403) 329-2519
About Me
I am currently Professor in the Department of Economics and Academic Director of the Lethbridge Research Data Centre.
My current teaching includes labour economics, Canadian economic history and public finance.
My current teaching includes labour economics, Canadian economic history and public finance.
I have been at the University of Lethbridge since 2000. Prior to this I was Assistant Professor of Economics and Canadian Studies at the University of Maine. I hold a B.A. (Honours) and an M.A., both from the University of Calgary, and a Ph.D. from the University of Texas.
Since joining the University of Lethbridge, I have taken part in the Hokkai-Gakuen Faculty Exchange (Fall 2004), taken a sabbatical year in Germany and France (2006-07) and worked at Statistics Canada in Ottawa (2009-2011) as part of the Interchange Canada program.
Since joining the University of Lethbridge, I have taken part in the Hokkai-Gakuen Faculty Exchange (Fall 2004), taken a sabbatical year in Germany and France (2006-07) and worked at Statistics Canada in Ottawa (2009-2011) as part of the Interchange Canada program.
Current Research
Title |
Location |
Principal Investigator | Co-Researchers | Grant Agency |
Grant Amount |
Grant Time Period |
Early Background and Access to Post-Secondary Education in Canada | Co-investigator with Ross Finnie | |||||
Early Background and Access to Post-Secondary Education in Canada | Co-investigator with Ross Finnie | Educational Policy Institute | 2006-07 |
Previous Research
Title | Grant Agency | Completion Date |
“The Migration of Highly Skilled Individuals Within and Between Canada and the United States,” | Industry Canada | 2006 |
The Effect of the Maclean’s Rankings on the Entering Class of University Students | University of Lethbridge Research Enhancement Award | 2002 |
Relative Earnings Position of Canadian Natives in the 1990s,” Multidisciplinary Aboriginal Program (MAP) | Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) | 2003 |
Transmigration from Canada to the United States: How Many “Foreigners” are Leaving the Country? | University of Lethbridge Research Fund | 2003 |
The Influence of Student Loans on Education and Labour Market Attainments | SSHRC Student Research Assistants’ Grant Program | 2003 |
Edited Volumes
Finnie, R., Frenette, M., Mueller, R.E., & Sweetman A. (Eds.). 2010.Pursuing Higher Education in Canada: Economic, Social and Policy Dimensions. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press and School of Policy Studies, Queen's University.
Finnie, R., Mueller, R.E., Sweetman A., & Usher, A. (Eds.). 2008. Who Goes? Who Stays? What Matters? Accessing and Persisting in Post-Secondary Education in Canada. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press and School of Policy Studies, Queen's University.
Edited Journal Issues
Finnie, R., Mueller, R.E., & Sweetman A. (Eds.). 2018. Information and Communications Technology Talent/Skill Challenges, Canadian Public Policy, Special Issue.
Refereed Journal Articles
Mueller, R.E. 2022. "Gender Pay Gap in the Public Sector: Evidence from the Canadian Labour Force Survey." Labour 36(1), 29-70.
Mueller, R.E., & Truong, N.T.K. 2022. "Wages and Basic Skills Inequality Between Immigrants by Immigration Admission Categories and Canadian Non-immigrants," Empirical Economics 62(4), 1833-84.
Ansah, A., & Mueller, R.E. 2021. "Public and Private Sector Earnings of Immigrants and the Canadian-born: Evidence from the Labour Force Survey." Journal of International Migration and Integration 22(4), 1403-29.
Mueller, R.E., W. Smoke, & K. Truong. 2018. The Underrepresentation of Women in Canada's ICT Sector: What Can We Learn from the PIAAC? Canadian Public Policy 44(S1), S73-S90.
Childs, S., Finnie, R., & Mueller, R.E. 2018. "Assessing the Importance of Cultural Capital on PSE Attendance in Canada," Journal of Further and Higher Education 42(1), 57-91.
Finnie, R. & Mueller, R.E. 2017. "Access to Post-Secondary Education: How does Québec Compare to the Rest of Canada?" L'Actualité économique 93(3).
Childs, S., Finnie, R., & Mueller, R.E. 2017. "Why Do So Many Children of Immigrants Attend University? Evidence for Canada," Journal of International Migration and Integration 18(1), 1-28.
Finnie, R., Mueller, R.E., & Wismer A. 2015. "Access and Barriers to Post-secondary Education in Canada: Evidence from the YITS," Canadian Journal of Higher Education 45(2), 229-62.
Mueller, R.E. 2014. "Wage Differentials of Males and Females in Same-sex and Different-sex Couples in Canada, 2006-2010," Canadian Studies in Population 41(3-4), 105-16.
Laporte, C., & Mueller, R.E. 2013. "The Completion Behaviour of Registered Apprentices in Canada: Who Continues, Who Quits, and Who Completes Programs?" Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training 5(1) (
Hunt, G.L., & Mueller, R.E. 2013. "Fiscal Policy, Returns to Skill, and Canada-U.S. Migration: Evidence from the Late-1990s," Canadian Public Policy 39(1), 153-82.
Mueller, R.E. 2013. "A Note on Canadian Migration to the United States During the 1980s and 1990s," Applied Economics 45(22), 3197-3210.
Laporte, C., & R.E. Mueller, 2011. "The Persistence Behaviour of Registered Apprentices: Who Continues, Quits, or Completes Programs?" Canadian Apprenticeship Journal 4 (online at
Mueller, R.E. 2009. "Does the Statue of Liberty Still Face Out? The Diversion of Foreign Students from the United States to Canada in the Post 9/11 Period," Canadian Journal of Higher Education 39(1), 15-43.
Mueller, R.E. 2006. "What Happened to the Canada-U.S. Brain Drain of the 1990s? New Evidence from the 2000 U.S. Census," Journal of International Migration and Integration, 7(2), 167-94.
Mueller, R.E. 2005. "The Effect of Marital Dissolution on the Labour Supply of Males and Females: Evidence from Canada," Journal of Socio-Economics, 34(6), 787-809.
Mueller, R.E. 2005. "Mexican Immigrants and Temporary Residents in Canada: Current Knowledge and Future Research," Migraciones Internacionales, 3(1), 32-56.
Mueller, R.E., & D. Rockerbie. 2005. "Determining Demand for University Education in Ontario by Type of Student," with Duane Rockerbie. Economics of Education Review, 24(4), 469-83.
Mueller, R.E. 2004. "The Relative Earnings Position of Canadian Aboriginals in the 1990s," Canadian Journal of Native Studies, 24(1), 37-63.
Hunt, G.L., & Mueller, R.E. 2004. "Canadian Immigration to the U.S., 1985-1990: Estimates from a Roy Selection Model of Differences in Returns to Skill," Review of Economics and Statistics, 86(4), 988-1007.
Mueller, R.E. 2004). "Transmigration from Canada to the United States: How Many 'Foreigners' are Leaving the Country?" Revista Mexicana de Estudios Canadienses (Nuevo Epoca), 8, 79-105.
Moore, C.S., & Mueller, R.E. 2002. "The Transition from Paid to Self-Employment in Canada: The Importance of Push Factors," Applied Economics, 34(6), 791-801.
Hunt, G.L., & Mueller, R.E. 2002. "A Methodology for Estimating Returns to Skills for Canadian Provinces and U.S. States," Journal of Regional Science, 42(1), 127-43.
Chapters in Edited Volumes
Mueller, Richard E. 2023. "Alberta's Brain Drain Redux: The Migration of Alberta's Youth Under the UCP," in R. Acuña, & T.W. Harrison (Eds.). Anger and Angst: Jason Kenney's Legacy and Alberta's Right. Montreal: Black Rose Books.
Mueller, R.E. 2021. "Public and Private Sector Wages: How does Alberta Compare to the "Big 3" Provinces?" in K.J. McKenzie, & R.L. Mansell (Eds.). Alberta's Economic and Fiscal Future. School of Public Policy, University of Calgary, 265-90.
Finnie, R., Mueller, R.E., & Sweetman, A. 2016. "The Cultural Determinants of Access to Post-Secondary (Higher) Education in Canada: Empirical Evidence and Policy Implications," in B. Jongbloed & H. Vossensteyn (Eds.). Access and Expansion Post-Massification: Opportunities and Barriers to Further Growth in Higher Education Participation. London and New York: Routledge, 150-178.
Childs, S., Finnie, R., & Mueller, R.E. 2010. "Family Environment, Family Habits, and Children's Cultural Experiences: Is There a Link to Participation in Post-Secondary Education?" in R. Finnie, M. Frenette, M., R.E. Mueller, & A. Sweetman (Eds.). Pursuing Higher Education in Canada: Economic, Social and Policy Dimensions. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press and School of Policy Studies, Queen's University, 243-67.
Finnie, R., & Mueller, R.E. 2010. "They Came, They Saw, They Enrolled: Access to Post-Secondary Education by the Children of Canadian Immigrants," in R. Finnie, M. Frenette, M., R.E. Mueller, & A. Sweetman, (Eds.). Pursuing Higher Education in Canada: Economic, Social and Policy Dimensions. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press and School of Policy Studies, Queen's University, 191-216.
Frenette, M., Mueller, R.E., & A. Sweetman. 2010. "Introduction: Deepening Our Understanding of Young Canadians' Participation in Post-Secondary Education," in R. Finnie, M. Frenette, M., R.E. Mueller, & A. Sweetman, (Eds.). Pursuing Higher Education in Canada: Economic, Social and Policy Dimensions. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press and School of Policy Studies, Queen's University, 1-12.
Mueller, R.E. 2008. "Access and Persistence of Students in Canadian Post-Secondary Education: What We Know, What We Don't Know, and Why It Matters," in R. Finnie, R.E. Mueller, A. Sweetman, & A. Usher (Eds.), Who Goes? Who Stays? What Matters? Accessing and Persisting in Post-Secondary Education in Canada. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press and School of Policy Studies, Queen's University, 33-61.
Finnie, R., & Mueller, R.E. 2008. "The Backgrounds of Canadian Youth and Access to Post-secondary Education: New Evidence from the Youth in Transition Survey," in R. Finnie, R.E. Mueller, A. Sweetman, & A. Usher (Eds.), Who Goes? Who Stays? What Matters? Accessing and Persisting in Post-Secondary Education in Canada. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press and School of Policy Studies, Queen's University, 79-107.
Mueller, R.E., & Rockerbie, D. 2005. "The Maclean's Rankings and Admissions at Ontario Universities," with Duane Rockerbie, in C.M. Beach, R.W. Boadway, & R.M. McInnis (Eds.), Higher Education in Canada. Kingston: Queen's University, John Deutsch Institute for the Study of Economic Policy in cooperation with McGill-Queen's University Press, 339-67.
Hunt, G.L., & Mueller, R.E. 2004. "International and Interregional Migration in North America: The Role of Returns to Skill," in Barbara Messamore (Ed.), Canadian Migration Patterns from Britain and North America. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 229-44.
See CV for additional publications.
Finnie, R., Frenette, M., Mueller, R.E., & Sweetman A. (Eds.). 2010.Pursuing Higher Education in Canada: Economic, Social and Policy Dimensions. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press and School of Policy Studies, Queen's University.
Finnie, R., Mueller, R.E., Sweetman A., & Usher, A. (Eds.). 2008. Who Goes? Who Stays? What Matters? Accessing and Persisting in Post-Secondary Education in Canada. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press and School of Policy Studies, Queen's University.
Edited Journal Issues
Finnie, R., Mueller, R.E., & Sweetman A. (Eds.). 2018. Information and Communications Technology Talent/Skill Challenges, Canadian Public Policy, Special Issue.
Refereed Journal Articles
Mueller, R.E. 2022. "Gender Pay Gap in the Public Sector: Evidence from the Canadian Labour Force Survey." Labour 36(1), 29-70.
Mueller, R.E., & Truong, N.T.K. 2022. "Wages and Basic Skills Inequality Between Immigrants by Immigration Admission Categories and Canadian Non-immigrants," Empirical Economics 62(4), 1833-84.
Ansah, A., & Mueller, R.E. 2021. "Public and Private Sector Earnings of Immigrants and the Canadian-born: Evidence from the Labour Force Survey." Journal of International Migration and Integration 22(4), 1403-29.
Mueller, R.E., W. Smoke, & K. Truong. 2018. The Underrepresentation of Women in Canada's ICT Sector: What Can We Learn from the PIAAC? Canadian Public Policy 44(S1), S73-S90.
Childs, S., Finnie, R., & Mueller, R.E. 2018. "Assessing the Importance of Cultural Capital on PSE Attendance in Canada," Journal of Further and Higher Education 42(1), 57-91.
Finnie, R. & Mueller, R.E. 2017. "Access to Post-Secondary Education: How does Québec Compare to the Rest of Canada?" L'Actualité économique 93(3).
Childs, S., Finnie, R., & Mueller, R.E. 2017. "Why Do So Many Children of Immigrants Attend University? Evidence for Canada," Journal of International Migration and Integration 18(1), 1-28.
Finnie, R., Mueller, R.E., & Wismer A. 2015. "Access and Barriers to Post-secondary Education in Canada: Evidence from the YITS," Canadian Journal of Higher Education 45(2), 229-62.
Mueller, R.E. 2014. "Wage Differentials of Males and Females in Same-sex and Different-sex Couples in Canada, 2006-2010," Canadian Studies in Population 41(3-4), 105-16.
Laporte, C., & Mueller, R.E. 2013. "The Completion Behaviour of Registered Apprentices in Canada: Who Continues, Who Quits, and Who Completes Programs?" Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training 5(1) (
Hunt, G.L., & Mueller, R.E. 2013. "Fiscal Policy, Returns to Skill, and Canada-U.S. Migration: Evidence from the Late-1990s," Canadian Public Policy 39(1), 153-82.
Mueller, R.E. 2013. "A Note on Canadian Migration to the United States During the 1980s and 1990s," Applied Economics 45(22), 3197-3210.
Laporte, C., & R.E. Mueller, 2011. "The Persistence Behaviour of Registered Apprentices: Who Continues, Quits, or Completes Programs?" Canadian Apprenticeship Journal 4 (online at
Mueller, R.E. 2009. "Does the Statue of Liberty Still Face Out? The Diversion of Foreign Students from the United States to Canada in the Post 9/11 Period," Canadian Journal of Higher Education 39(1), 15-43.
Mueller, R.E. 2006. "What Happened to the Canada-U.S. Brain Drain of the 1990s? New Evidence from the 2000 U.S. Census," Journal of International Migration and Integration, 7(2), 167-94.
Mueller, R.E. 2005. "The Effect of Marital Dissolution on the Labour Supply of Males and Females: Evidence from Canada," Journal of Socio-Economics, 34(6), 787-809.
Mueller, R.E. 2005. "Mexican Immigrants and Temporary Residents in Canada: Current Knowledge and Future Research," Migraciones Internacionales, 3(1), 32-56.
Mueller, R.E., & D. Rockerbie. 2005. "Determining Demand for University Education in Ontario by Type of Student," with Duane Rockerbie. Economics of Education Review, 24(4), 469-83.
Mueller, R.E. 2004. "The Relative Earnings Position of Canadian Aboriginals in the 1990s," Canadian Journal of Native Studies, 24(1), 37-63.
Hunt, G.L., & Mueller, R.E. 2004. "Canadian Immigration to the U.S., 1985-1990: Estimates from a Roy Selection Model of Differences in Returns to Skill," Review of Economics and Statistics, 86(4), 988-1007.
Mueller, R.E. 2004). "Transmigration from Canada to the United States: How Many 'Foreigners' are Leaving the Country?" Revista Mexicana de Estudios Canadienses (Nuevo Epoca), 8, 79-105.
Moore, C.S., & Mueller, R.E. 2002. "The Transition from Paid to Self-Employment in Canada: The Importance of Push Factors," Applied Economics, 34(6), 791-801.
Hunt, G.L., & Mueller, R.E. 2002. "A Methodology for Estimating Returns to Skills for Canadian Provinces and U.S. States," Journal of Regional Science, 42(1), 127-43.
Chapters in Edited Volumes
Mueller, Richard E. 2023. "Alberta's Brain Drain Redux: The Migration of Alberta's Youth Under the UCP," in R. Acuña, & T.W. Harrison (Eds.). Anger and Angst: Jason Kenney's Legacy and Alberta's Right. Montreal: Black Rose Books.
Mueller, R.E. 2021. "Public and Private Sector Wages: How does Alberta Compare to the "Big 3" Provinces?" in K.J. McKenzie, & R.L. Mansell (Eds.). Alberta's Economic and Fiscal Future. School of Public Policy, University of Calgary, 265-90.
Finnie, R., Mueller, R.E., & Sweetman, A. 2016. "The Cultural Determinants of Access to Post-Secondary (Higher) Education in Canada: Empirical Evidence and Policy Implications," in B. Jongbloed & H. Vossensteyn (Eds.). Access and Expansion Post-Massification: Opportunities and Barriers to Further Growth in Higher Education Participation. London and New York: Routledge, 150-178.
Childs, S., Finnie, R., & Mueller, R.E. 2010. "Family Environment, Family Habits, and Children's Cultural Experiences: Is There a Link to Participation in Post-Secondary Education?" in R. Finnie, M. Frenette, M., R.E. Mueller, & A. Sweetman (Eds.). Pursuing Higher Education in Canada: Economic, Social and Policy Dimensions. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press and School of Policy Studies, Queen's University, 243-67.
Finnie, R., & Mueller, R.E. 2010. "They Came, They Saw, They Enrolled: Access to Post-Secondary Education by the Children of Canadian Immigrants," in R. Finnie, M. Frenette, M., R.E. Mueller, & A. Sweetman, (Eds.). Pursuing Higher Education in Canada: Economic, Social and Policy Dimensions. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press and School of Policy Studies, Queen's University, 191-216.
Frenette, M., Mueller, R.E., & A. Sweetman. 2010. "Introduction: Deepening Our Understanding of Young Canadians' Participation in Post-Secondary Education," in R. Finnie, M. Frenette, M., R.E. Mueller, & A. Sweetman, (Eds.). Pursuing Higher Education in Canada: Economic, Social and Policy Dimensions. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press and School of Policy Studies, Queen's University, 1-12.
Mueller, R.E. 2008. "Access and Persistence of Students in Canadian Post-Secondary Education: What We Know, What We Don't Know, and Why It Matters," in R. Finnie, R.E. Mueller, A. Sweetman, & A. Usher (Eds.), Who Goes? Who Stays? What Matters? Accessing and Persisting in Post-Secondary Education in Canada. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press and School of Policy Studies, Queen's University, 33-61.
Finnie, R., & Mueller, R.E. 2008. "The Backgrounds of Canadian Youth and Access to Post-secondary Education: New Evidence from the Youth in Transition Survey," in R. Finnie, R.E. Mueller, A. Sweetman, & A. Usher (Eds.), Who Goes? Who Stays? What Matters? Accessing and Persisting in Post-Secondary Education in Canada. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press and School of Policy Studies, Queen's University, 79-107.
Mueller, R.E., & Rockerbie, D. 2005. "The Maclean's Rankings and Admissions at Ontario Universities," with Duane Rockerbie, in C.M. Beach, R.W. Boadway, & R.M. McInnis (Eds.), Higher Education in Canada. Kingston: Queen's University, John Deutsch Institute for the Study of Economic Policy in cooperation with McGill-Queen's University Press, 339-67.
Hunt, G.L., & Mueller, R.E. 2004. "International and Interregional Migration in North America: The Role of Returns to Skill," in Barbara Messamore (Ed.), Canadian Migration Patterns from Britain and North America. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 229-44.
See CV for additional publications.
B.A. (Hons.), M.A., Ph.D. (Economics)
Research Interests
My current research focus is on the determinants of access to post-secondary education in Canada and I also dabble in other labour market issues. See my CV below for past and current research.
In The Media
My work has appeared in local, national and international media. I have been interviewed on various topics by local and national television and radio stations, and by national and regional newspapers and other outlets.
Labour economics