Chali, Yllias


Mathematics & Computer Science

(403) 329-2331

Research Interests

Yllias Chali conducts research in various aspects of natural language processing, including text summarization, text generation, question answering, question generation, and knowledge representation for natural language. Together with his graduate students, he is working on several related projects funded by NSERC.

Selected Publications

  • Yllias Chali and Sadid A. Hasan (2012).
    Query-Focused Multi-Document Summarization: Automatic Data Annotations and Supervised Learning Approaches.
    Natural Language Engineering, Cambridge University Press.

  • Yllias Chali, Sadid A. Hasan, and Shafiq R. Joty (2011).
    Improving Graph-based Random Walks for Complex Question Answering Using Syntactic, Shallow Semantic and Extended String Subsequence Kernels.
    Information Processing & Management, Elsevier

  • Yllias Chali, Sadid A. Hasan and Shafiq R. Joty (2009).
    Complex Question Answering: Unsupervised Learning Approaches and Experiments.
    Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 35:1-47, AAAI Press.

  • Yllias Chali (2009).
    Question Answering Using Question Classification and Document Tagging.
    Journal of Applied Artificial Intelligence, 23(6):500-521, Taylor & Francis.

  • Yllias Chali, Sadid A. Hasan and Shafiq R. Joty (2009).
    Do Automatic Annotation Techniques Have Any Impact on Supervised Complex Question Answering?
    In Proceedings of the 47th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 4th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing, Singapore.

  • Yllias Chali (2008).
    Text Summarization Using Lexical Cohesion: Approaches and Evaluations.
    International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, 17(2):259-278, World Scientific.

  • Yllias Chali and Shafiq R. Joty (2008).
    Improving the Performance of the Random Walk Model for Answering Complex Questions.
    In Proceedings of 46th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the Human Language Technology Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Columbus, Ohio.

  • Yllias Chali and Shafiq R. Joty (2008).
    Selecting Sentences for Answering Complex Questions.
    In Proceedings of the 2008 Conference on Empirical Methods on Natural Language Processing, Waikiki, Hawaii.

  • Yllias Chali (2007).
    Headlines Generation: Techniques and Experiments.
    Journal of Information, Interaction and Intelligence, 7(1), 93-106, Cepadues-Editions.

  • Yllias Chali (2005).
    Topic Detection of Unrestricted Texts: Approaches and Evaluations.
    Journal of Applied Artificial Intelligence, 19(2):119-136, Taylor & Francis.

  • Yllias Chali (2001).
    Scalable Generation of Texts Using Causal and Temporal Expansions of Sentences.
    Journal of Natural Language Engineering, 7(3):191-205, Cambridge University Press.