Document List
Document name | Categories | Description |
Admission Document Release Request | Beginning, Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Philosophy in Education, Master of Arts, Master of Counselling, Master of Education, Master of Fine Arts, Master of Music, Master of Nursing, Master of Science, Master of Science in Management | Students may use this form to request that the Registrar's Office release documents that were submitted in support of the application to the graduate program. |
Admit System User Manual | User manual for the Admit system |
ADMIT Troubleshooting Guide | Managing | |
Alex Decoteau Award of Honour 20/21 | The Alex Decouteau Award of Honour was created to recognize members of the Canadian Armed Forces who have served in designated military operations to support their post-secondary pursuits in Alberta. The award is also available where a Canadian Armed Forces member is disabled as a result of participation in Canadian Armed Forces Training in Canada. Additionally, the award can be provided to support immediate family members pursuing post-secondary education in Alberta where the Canadian Armed Forces members is the deceased or disabled. |
Appeal Procedure for Sub-Committee of Graduate Council Executive | ||
Applied Research Study | Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Philosophy in Education, Managing, Master of Arts, Master of Counselling, Master of Education, Master of Fine Arts, Master of Music, Master of Nursing, Master of Science, Master of Science in Management | Use this form if you are registering for an applied research study. |
Assessment of Readiness to Defend | Doctor of Philosophy, Ending, Master of Arts, Master of Fine Arts, Master of Music, Master of Nursing, Master of Science | Each Thesis Examination Committee member completes this recommendation on the student's readiness to defend his or her thesis and submits it to the Chair of the defence at least one week prior to the date of the examination. The assessment is confidential and must not be made available to the student or to the other members of the Examination Committee prior to its final decision on the thesis. Review the SGS Policies & Procedures for detailed information. Chair submits completed forms from each Examiner with the Thesis/Project Examination Report forms to the relevant Graduate Program Office immediately following the Thesis Oral Defence. Master of Education and Doctor of Philosophy in Education use this form. Assessment of Readiness to Defend Form Portal |
Assessment of Readiness to Defend (Education) | Doctor of Philosophy in Education, Ending, Master of Education | Each Thesis Examination Committee member completes this recommendation on the student's readiness to defend his or her thesis and submits it to the Graduate Program Office at least two weeks prior to the date of the examination. The assessment is confidential and must not be made available to the student or to the other members of the Examination Committee prior to its final decision on the thesis. Review the SGS Policies & Procedures for detailed information. Assessment of Readiness to Defend (Education) Form Portal |
Assignment of Duties for Graduate Assistantship (GA) in the Faculty of Arts & Science | Doctor of Philosophy, Managing, Master of Arts, Master of Science | This form should be completed for each Graduate Student assigned a Graduate Assistantship (Teaching or Non-Teaching). It should be completed by the Department Graduate Education Coordinator (DGEC) at the beginning of the semester and should be signed by the Student, Supervisor and DGEC. |
Change of Supervisory Committee | Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Philosophy in Education, Managing, Master of Arts, Master of Counselling, Master of Education, Master of Fine Arts, Master of Music, Master of Nursing, Master of Science | This form is to be used to add/change membership of the Supervisory Committee. Review the program specific Policies & Procedures for detailed information. Use the Establishment of Supervisory Committee form for initial committee set-up. Student returns completed form to the relevant Graduate Program Office either in person or via email. Change of Supervisory Committee Form Portal |
Classic UI: ADMIT System User Manual | Beginning | User Manual for the classic UI of the Admit system. |
Completer's Document MA/MSc (Updated Summer 2025) | Ending, Master of Arts | |
Completer's Document PhD (Updated Summer 2025) | Doctor of Philosophy, Ending | |
Comprehensive Examination Assessment | Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Philosophy in Education, Managing | All students in the Doctor of Philosophy program must take and pass a comprehensive examination by the end of their program’s second year. See the SGS Policies and Procedures and review the Comprehensive Examination Guidelines for details. Submit completed form to the relevant Graduate Program Office. Comprehensive Examination Assessment Form Portal |
Confidential Appraisal | Beginning, Doctor of Philosophy, Master of Arts, Master of Counselling, Master of Education, Master of Fine Arts, Master of Music, Master of Nursing, Master of Science, Master of Science in Management | This form is used as part of the nomination package for the General’s Gold Medal and the Medal of Merit and should include a letter of reference that highlights the student's various strengths and accomplishments. To submit a Medal of Merit nomination, please visit the Medal Nominations page for all associated deadlines, forms, and detailed information regarding nominations. |
Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement for Graduate Students | Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Philosophy in Education, Managing, Master of Arts, Master of Counselling, Master of Education, Master of Fine Arts, Master of Music, Master of Nursing, Master of Science, Master of Science in Management | |
Conflict of Interest | Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Philosophy in Education, Ending, Master of Arts, Master of Counselling, Master of Education, Master of Fine Arts, Master of Music, Master of Nursing, Master of Science, Master of Science in Management | The Conflict of Interest form is to be completed by the External Examiner with the External Examiner's CV attached if an External Examiner is part of a student's Thesis Examination Committee. Review the SGS Policies & Procedures for detailed information. Conflict of Interest Form Portal |
Doctor of Philosophy Transfer Examination Assessment | Managing | All students transferring from the Master of Science/ Master of Arts program to a Doctor of Philosophy program must take and successfully pass a transfer examination in order to be admitted into a Doctoral program. You will also need to fill out:
Master’s to Doctoral Program Transfer Examination Assessment Form Portal |
Doctor of Philosophy Transfer Examination Committee Request | Managing | All students transferring from the Master of Science/ Master of Arts program to the Doctor of Philosophy program must take and successfully pass a transfer examination in order to be admitted into a Doctoral program. This transfer examination is overseen by an approved Transfer Examination Committee. You will also need to fill out:
Master’s to Doctoral Program Transfer Examination Committee Request Portal |
Doctor of Philosophy Transfer Examination Schedule Request | Doctor of Philosophy, Managing, Master of Arts, Master of Science | All students transferring from the Master of Science/ Master of Arts program to the Doctor of Philosophy program must take and successfully pass a transfer examination in order to be admitted into a Doctoral program. This transfer examination is overseen by an approved Transfer Examination Committee. You will also need to fill out:
Doctor of Philosophy Transfer Examination Schedule Request Portal |
Establishment of a Project Supervisory Committee (Edu) | Managing, Master of Counselling, Master of Education | This form is to be used by Master of Counselling and Master of Education students to establish their Project Supervisory Committee. See the SGS Policies and Procedures document for information about deadlines for establishing the Project Supervisory Committee as well as the composition of the Project Supervisory Committee. Use the Change of Supervisory Committee form to make changes to the committee after it has been established. Student returns completed form to the relevant Graduate Program Office. Establishment of Project Supervisory Committee (Edu) Form Portal |
Establishment of Supervisory Committee | Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Philosophy in Education, Managing, Master of Arts, Master of Counselling, Master of Education, Master of Fine Arts, Master of Music, Master of Nursing, Master of Science, Master of Science in Management | See the SGS Policies and Procedures document for information about deadlines for establishing the Supervisory Committee as well as the composition of the Supervisory Committee by program. Use the Change of Supervisory Committee form to make changes to the committee after it has been established. Student returns completed form to the relevant Graduate Program Office either in person or via email. Establishment of Supervisory Committee Form Portal |
Example Thesis | A visual guide to the Thesis/Project Formatting Requirements. A Thesis title page template is also available for use. |
External Permission of Co-Authors | This forms requests the permission of co-authors external to the University of Lethbridge. Once complete, submit the form to |
Fieldwork Experience Form | Beginning, Master of Counselling | The Fieldwork Experience form is intended only for individuals applying to the Master of Counselling program. The completed form should be submitted as part of the application process. For further information, refer to the Master of Counselling website. |