Document List
Document name | Categories | Description |
Recommendation of the Award of the Degree | Doctor of Philosophy, Master of Arts, Master of Fine Arts, Master of Music, Master of Science | Completion of RequirementsThis form must be completed by the Supervisor and forwarded to the Dean, School of Graduate Studies upon satisfactory completion of all degree requirements. The form will be presented to the Program Committee and to Graduate Council for formal approval of the degree. Review the SGS Policies & Procedures for detailed information. Supervisor returns completed form to the SGS office (B610) or emails it to upon satisfactory completion of all degree requirements. Recommendation of the Award of the Degree Form Portal |
Recommendation of the Award of the Degree (Edu) | Doctor of Philosophy in Education, Ending, Master of Counselling, Master of Education | This form is to completed by the Supervisor upon satisfactory completion of all Thesis or Project requirements. This form is only to be used for students completing a project/thesis in the the Master of Counselling, Master of Education or PhD in Education. Review the SGS Policies & Procedures for detailed information. Download the form and complete the fields using Adobe Acrobat. Recommendation of the Award of the Degree (Edu) Form |
Recommendation of the Award of the Degree (MN) | Beginning, Master of Nursing | (Completion of Requirements)This form must be completed by the MN Program Committee Chair and forwarded to the Dean, School of Graduate Studies upon satisfactory completion of all degree requirements. The form will be presented to Graduate Council for formal approval of the degree. Review the program specific Policies & Procedures for detailed information. Supervisor returns completed form to the SGS office (AH115) or emails it to upon satisfactory completion of all degree requirements. |
Request for Comprehensive Examination | Doctor of Philosophy, Managing | Doctoral students must successfully complete the Comprehensive Examination within the first two (2) years of the program. Students may take the examination up to a maximum of two (2) times. If the examination is failed on the second attempt, the student must withdraw from the program. At least four (4) weeks before the scheduled date of the comprehensive examination, the supervisor submits the Request for Comprehensive Examination form to recommend the membership of the Comprehensive Examination Committee to the relevant Graduate Program Committee. Where possible, the Chair will be from the same program area and a common Chair; however, this may not be possible for all departments. In cases where there is a potential, or perceived, conflict of interest or the Chair is the student’s supervisor, an alternate Chair must be recommended by the Department and approved by the Doctoral Program Committee. The Chair of the Comprehensive Examination is a representative of the School of Graduate Studies and is required to be familiar with the policies and procedures related to the examination. For detailed information, review the:
Supervisor submits completed form to the relevant Graduate Program Office. Comprehensive Examination Request Form Portal |
Request for Comprehensive Examination (Edu) | Doctor of Philosophy in Education, Managing | This form is only for students in the Faculty of Education. PhD in Education students must successfully complete the Comprehensive Examination within the first two (2) years of the program. Students may take the examination up to a maximum of two (2) times. If the examination is failed on the second attempt, the student must withdraw from the program. At least six (6) weeks before the scheduled date of the comprehensive examination, the supervisor submits the Request for Comprehensive Examination form to recommend the membership of the Comprehensive Examination Committee to the Graduate Program Office. The Chair of the Comprehensive Examination is a representative of the School of Graduate Studies and is required to be familiar with the policies and procedures related to the examination. For detailed information, review the:
Comprehensive Examination Request Form Portal |
Request for Final Thesis Examination | Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Philosophy in Education, Ending, Master of Arts, Master of Counselling, Master of Education, Master of Fine Arts, Master of Music, Master of Nursing, Master of Science, Master of Science in Management | Review SGS Policies & Procedures for detailed information regarding the composition of the Thesis Examination Committee and the policies and procedures of the final thesis and oral examination. The Supervisor submits the Final Thesis/Project Examination Request form with a PDF copy of the student's Thesis via the SGS Portal for review and approval. Note: The student is responsible for ensuring the Supervisor has the final and complete version of the Thesis. Students may not make revisions to the Thesis until after the defence.
Request for Thesis Examination Form Portal |
Request for Publication Embargo of Graduate Thesis | Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Philosophy in Education, Ending, Master of Arts, Master of Counselling, Master of Education, Master of Fine Arts, Master of Music, Master of Nursing, Master of Science, Master of Science in Management | This form is to be used to request an embargo to delay the publication of a thesis in the University’s Institutional Repository (d-space). A thesis may be approved for a publication delay of six (6) months when justifiable reasons are stipulated. Under special circumstances a second publishing delay of up to a maximum of six (6) months may be approved when substantive justification is provided. Review the SGS Policies & Procedures for detailed information. Embargo on Publication of Graduate Thesis Request Form Portal |
Request to Take a Senior Undergraduate Course at the Graduate Level | Doctor of Philosophy, Managing, Master of Arts, Master of Fine Arts, Master of Music, Master of Nursing, Master of Science, Master of Science in Management | The graduate-level course will need to be timetabled before the student is able to regiser in it online. Completed form is to be submitted to the SGS office (B610) or emailed to Request to Take a Senior Undergraduate Course at the Graduate Level Form Portal |
SGS Governing Principles 2022 | ||
SGS Policies and Procedures V4 PDF | ||
Statement of Progress and Standing | Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Philosophy in Education, Managing, Master of Arts, Master of Counselling, Master of Education, Master of Fine Arts, Master of Music, Master of Nursing, Master of Science, Master of Science in Management | This form is to be completed after the student has met with the Supervisory Committee and is intended to provide the student with a clear statement of progress and standing. The form is to be completed at regular intervals throughout the student's program. Review the SGS Policies & Procedures for detailed information. Student returns completed form to the relevant Graduate Program Office either in person or via email. Statement of Progress and Standing Form - Student Portal Statement of Progress and Standing Form - Supervisor Portal |
Steps for embedding fonts in a PDF | Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Philosophy in Education, Ending, Master of Arts, Master of Counselling, Master of Education, Master of Fine Arts, Master of Music, Master of Nursing, Master of Science, Master of Science in Management | Use these instructions to embed fonts in your final PDF copy of your thesis or project. Note: you must use the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Pro. If you are using using Acrobat Pro through the Citrix virtualized environment, you can choose the configuration GradStudies_Thesis rather than creating your own. |
Supervisor - Student Guidelines | Beginning, Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Philosophy in Education, Master of Arts, Master of Counselling, Master of Education, Master of Fine Arts, Master of Music, Master of Nursing, Master of Science, Master of Science in Management | These guidelines are designed to provide a discussion framework for use by supervisors and graduate students to establish guidelines for supporting and managing their relationships and interactions. The Supervisor – Student Guidelines document should be completed at the beginning of the student’s program and then reviewed annually, or revisited at any stage of the student’s graduate program. |
Thesis Process and Timelines (Edu) | Ending, Managing, Master of Education | This document is a supplement to the SGS Policies and Procedures. |
Thesis Proposal (Edu) | Managing, Master of Education | This form is to be completed by the Supervisory upon satisafactory completion of the Thesis Proposal. The student's Thesis Proposal should accompany the form. Items should be submitted to the Graduate Program Office ( Review the SGS Policies & Procedures for detailed information. Download the form and complete the fields using Adobe Acrobat. Thesis Proposal (Edu) Form Portal |
Thesis Proposal (PhD in Edu) | Doctor of Philosophy in Education, Managing | Review the SGS Policies & Procedures for detailed information. The supervisor submits the completed form, with the Thesis Proposal attached, to the Faculty of Education Graduate Program Office ( Thesis Proposal (PhD in Edu) Form Portal |
Thesis Submission | Doctor of Philosophy, Ending, Master of Arts, Master of Counselling, Master of Education, Master of Fine Arts, Master of Music, Master of Science, Master of Science in Management | Review the E-Thesis Submission Steps for information on how to submit the final .pdf copy of your Thesis to DSpace at the University of Lethbridge. |
Thesis Title Page Template | Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Philosophy in Education, Ending, Master of Arts, Master of Counselling, Master of Education, Master of Fine Arts, Master of Music, Master of Nursing, Master of Science, Master of Science in Management | You may choose to use this pre-formatted title page for your final thesis document. See the Thesis/Project Submission Regulations for details about submitting your final Thesis or Project. An example thesis document is also available for reference. NOTE: be sure that you choose thesis or project from the drop-down menu in the template before submitting. |
Thesis/Project Examination Report | Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Philosophy in Education, Ending, Master of Arts, Master of Counselling, Master of Education, Master of Fine Arts, Master of Music, Master of Nursing, Master of Science, Master of Science in Management | Review the SGS Policies & Procedures for examination and assessment definitions and expectations. Thesis Examination Committee Chair returns completed form to to the relevant Graduate Program Office either in person or via email immediately following the examination. Thesis/Project Examination Report Form Portal |
Thesis/Project Submission Regulations | Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Philosophy in Education, Ending, Master of Arts, Master of Counselling, Master of Education, Master of Fine Arts, Master of Music, Master of Nursing, Master of Science, Master of Science in Management | Regulations regarding Thesis/Project submission regulations and formatting requirements. |
Welcome Letter from the GSA | Letter of welcome to new students from the Graduate Students' Association. |
Western Deans' Agreement | Doctor of Philosophy, Managing, Master of Arts, Master of Counselling, Master of Education, Master of Fine Arts, Master of Music, Master of Nursing, Master of Science, Master of Science in Management | This agreement was established in 1974 as an expression of cooperation and mutual support among universities offering Graduate programs in Western Canada. Its primary purpose is the reciprocal enrichment of graduate programs throughout western Canada. This agreement is not intended to preclude other agreements between participating institutions. The Western Deans' Agreement authorization form is available on the Western Canadian Deans of Graduate Studies (WCDGS) website. Student returns the completed form to the SGS office or emails it to |