
Refer to the Graduate Studies Calendar and Course Catalogue for details related to graduation.

Table 12: Application for graduation deadlines

Term of Completion

Application Deadline

Outstanding Document Deadline

Withdrawal of Application Deadline


March 1

April 30 

April 26


August 1

Last Monday of August

Last Monday of August


November 1

Last working day of December

Last working day of December

* When the deadline date occurs on a weekend or on a Statutory or Civic Holiday, the deadline will be the next working day.

Thesis binding guidelines are available online.

Requirements for Conferral of the Degree

Masters-level students

To graduate, students must have done the following:

  1. Passed all courses
  2. Passed the written and oral components of the oral Thesis/Project Defence and completed all required changes to the Thesis/Project
  3. Submitted all documentation to the School of Graduate Studies and PDF copy of the Thesis/Project to the e-thesis/project system

Doctoral-level students

To graduate, students must have done the following:

  1. Passed all courses
  2. Passed the Thesis Proposal Examination
  3. Passed the Comprehensive Examination
  4. Passed the written and oral components of the Thesis oral defence, and completed all required changes to the Thesis
  5. Submitted all documentation to the School of Graduate Studies and PDF copy of the Thesis/Project to the e-thesis/project system
Completing the Application for Graduation Form

Students must apply for graduation by completing and submitting the online Application for Graduation form through the Bridgeby the graduation application deadline as outlined in the Graduate Studies Calendar and Course Catalogue. The School of Graduate Studies will submit the students’ names to Graduate Council for approval when all degree requirements have been met.

Graduate Council approves graduands[1]. The School of Graduate Studies forwards a list of approved graduands to Student Enrolment and Registrar Services (SEARS).

For complete details on graduation, and the Convocation ceremony, refer to Policies and Program Requirements in the Academic Regulations section of the Graduate Studies Calendar and Course Catalogue.

[1] Candidates for a degree.