New Graduate Student Checklist
Your email is created when you accept your offer of admission and pay your tuition deposit. It is the primary way ULethbridge will communicate with you - check it often!
Visit to sign in to Webmail. Your email address will be your username followed by (e.g., Luxie T. Pronghorn's username is luxie.pronghorn, so his email address is
Check your webmail frequently so you don’t miss out on ULethbridge communications, your professors, or classmates! It is important that you read the SGS Newsletter that will be regularly sent to your webmail account and includes information related to funding, research, graduate studies, and professional development opportunites for graduate students.
The School of Graduate Studies Portal is where you will be able to find most forms for your program and other information to support your studies.
Moodle is the Learning Management System used at ULethbridge to complement face-to-face courses or deliver interactive online classes.
The Bridge is an essential tool and resource for every ULethbridge student. In the Bridge you have access to your personal information, admission status, registration, tuition and fees, exam schedules, personal contact information, scholarship applications and more.
The Graduate Student Orientation Course is the ultimate resource for all new graduate students! It contains important information and resources that can support your transition into graduate studies at ULethbridge. From information on funding resources to how to get involved in the graduate student community, the Graduate Student Orientation Course has been designed to help orient you to both ULethbridge and how graduate studies is understood here.
My Experience Transcript (MET)
The My Experience Transcript (MET) recognizes that commitment and reinforces the value of learning and development that takes place outside the classroom. As an official record of a student’s curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular experiential learning, the MET is a supplement to the academic transcript that will help reflect a student’s complete University experience.
- Available for iOS and Android devices; search for “ULethbridge”
- Questions? Contact the ITS Solutions Centre
- Select the ‘Student@UofL’ network
- Enter the same username and password your campus login and, when prompted, accept the security certificate
- Questions? Contact the ITS Solutions Centre.
- As a graduate student, you are able to utilize apps to support your wellness and academic success through the ULethbridge Students' Union (ULSU)
Funding and fees
See also, the Funding & Finances FAQ.
This is only necessary if you will be receiving payment through ULethbridge.
For your payments to be made to you through Payroll, you are required to upload the following to: Graduate Payroll Secured Drive:
- Bank account information (blank cheque or printout of account information)
- Direct Deposit form
- Update your Social Insurance Number (SIN) on the Bridge (under Personal Information)
- Copy of study permit (international students)
This information must be received no later then the Cut-off date for Payroll Authorization Forms (PAF's) (usually the 8th of the month) in order to be processed and for payment to be set up for that month.
If you are emailing this information, it is recommended you password protect the information.
Questions? Contact the SGS Graduate Funding Facilitator
Information about tuition and fees
Tuition and fees won’t be officially charged to your account until the first day of classes. See the the Financial Services website for tuition and fees assessed for your program.
Questions? Contact the Cash Office.
Fees are due no later than:
- October 1 for the Fall term
- February 1 for the Spring term
- June 1 for the Summer term
Questions? Contact the Cash Office
Submit your application for all internal scholarships using the online system accessible through the Bridge under the Student tab. The site will direct you toward internal funding opportunities for which you may be qualified.
The annual deadline to submit your application is May 15.
Questions? Contact the SGS Graduate Funding Facilitator
Review funding opportunities offered by the GSA. Be sure to notify the SGS Graduate Awards Officer of any funding you receive.
Questions? Contact the SGS Graduate Funding Facilitator
The process can take up to eight weeks from the date of application. Don’t wait!
Questions? Contact Scholarships and Student Finance.
If you will apply for student loans or have existing student loans, follow the instructions in your student loan package.
Questions? Contact Scholarships and Student Finance.
All students and alumni have access to our Job Board. It includes part-time, full-time, summer, new graduate, international, volunteer, and applied studies opportunities.
Log into MyExperience to find opportunities.
Contact Career Bridge to be added to the contacts list by ‘major’ and receive relevant information on jobs and careers.
Bridge Bucks turns your MyCard (campus ID card) into an on-campus debit card for the following operations: All food locations outside of the Students’ Union building (e.g., Urban Market, Tim Hortons, Starbucks), the Bookstore, print and copy machines, the Library and computing labs, and select ULethbridge vending machines
Money can be deposited on your account:
- In-person at the Cash Office, Bookstore, Food Services or at one of the self-serve cash load stations on campus
- Through MyCard Manage
- Through your Financial Institution - see Financial Services Payment Methods
- Self-serve Cash Load Stations
Questions? Contact the ITS Solutions Centre.
Campus essentials
We have curated information specific to the Calgary Campus and your program here on this page, but there is relevant general information that applies to you throughout the hub.
Questions? Contact the Calgary Campus.
MyCard is used as your primary identification to show you have active status within the ULethbridge community whether you're a student, faculty, staff or community member. It provides you with access to services and events, swipe access to secured areas and dedicated rooms for specialized courses, and manages Dining Plan funds and Bridge Bucks funds. See Residence Dining Plan information.
If you are planning on using the University of Lethbridge Follow-You Printing service in the ITS Student Computer Labs or the Library Computer, you will need your MyCard as well as Bridge Bucks funds.
You will need your MyCard to access the sports facilities of the Sport and Recreation Services.
You will need your MyCard to use your UPass for Lethbridge Transit.
The UPass is included in your tuition and fees and gives you unlimited access to local transit.
Questions? Contact the GSA
Housing Services offers a wide range of on-campus living options, from single rooms to family accommodations. Demand is high for residence and applications are accepted online starting September 15 for the following fall semester
- If you will be parking on campus, you need to purchase a parking pass
- More information, including prices and lot options can be found on the Campus Mobility Services site
- For the best selection, purchase early
- Questions? Contact Parking Services
Faculties, Schools, and Departments
Stay in touch with your department or Faculty/School to review any updated information about events or other relevant matters.
- Check the SGS website often for important information and announcements:
- Follow us on Twitter:
- Watch your ULethbridge email account for communications from the SGS, including our newsletter
Questions? Contact us!
- As a registered graduate student, you are a member of the Graduate Students’ Association (GSA)
- Review the ULGSA Collective Agreement
- This agreement governs the employment of graduate students as Graduate Assistants at ULethbridge
- Review the GSA policies, constitution, and bylaws
- Follow the GSA on Instagram:
- Like the GSA on Facebook:
- Follow the GSA on Twitter:
Questions? Contact the GSA
- The Library is an essential resource for every student at uLethbridge. During a Library tour you’ll learn to navigate the Library and look for resources - in-person and online
- Services for Graduate Students on the Lethbridge Campus
- Services for Other Graduate Students Studying at a Distance
- Questions? Contact the Library:
- Students with documented disabilities can receive support through the Accessible Learning Centre (ALC)
- Questions? Contact the ALC office.
Security and safety
Security Services is on campus and available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and responsible for protecting your personal security and the University’s physical resources.
Questions? Contact Security Services
Security Services is on campus and available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and responsible for protecting your personal security and ULethbridge’s physical resources
They can always be contacted at 403-329-2345
Questions? Contact Security Services
A safety team (one male and one female) will accompany you to and from anywhere on campus
Visit the link above for more details, including hours of operation
Questions? Contact Security Services:
Registering and participating in the Key Tag Program may assist in the return of your keys using the tag as your contact information.
Questions? Contact Security Services
Indigenous students
Iikaisskini Indigenous Services
Oki! Iikaisskini Indigenous Services connects all self-identified Indigenous ULethbridge students to academic, cultural, financial, health and well-being resources. Visit their website to find out more about the services and supports they offer.
Questions? Contact Iikaisskini Indigenous Services.
The Iikaisskini (Low Horn) Gathering Centre is a space to meet with Elders, share stories, teachings and wisdom. It is a place where members of the ULethbridge community and beyond can join in ceremony, celebration and learning.
Questions? Contact Iikaisskini Indigenous Services.
International students
International Support Services
Learn more about International Support Services in the International Centre and get familiar with the services they offer.
Questions? Contact International.
Pre-arrival Guide for Graduate Students
For international graduate students preparing to study in canada at the University of Lethbridge
Questions? Contact International.
This is only necessary for new permanent residents of Alberta and International students and it is essential international students register for a health care card. By law, all Canadian students and landed immigrants must have a provincial health care card
A provincial health care card is required to visit the uLethbridge Health Centre, off-campus medical clinics, hospitals, medical testing centres etc.
Register by visiting the Health Centre (SU020) within the first two weeks of arriving on campus. A hold will be placed on your account if registration is not complete within two weeks.
Questions? Contact the Health Centre:
The English Language Partner Program (ELPP) pairs English language learners with ULethbridge student volunteers to practice speaking English and create opportunities for cultural exchange.
Questions? Contact International.
Student parents
Daycare facilities are on campus for ULethbridge students, faculty and staff who have children aged 12 months to six years.
Questions? Contact the Daycare: 403-332-4064
The Parent Rooms are accessible to anyone on campus who wishes to feed or just spend some quiet time with a baby or toddler. The rooms are located in SU058 (Students’ Union Building) and SA7236 (Science Commons) and are open during regular business hours. View the Principles of Use and User Guidelines for Parent Rooms for more information about using these rooms.
Questions? Contact the Students' Union (Room: SU180, Phone: 403-329-2222).
Student life
There are several opportunities for enriching your graduate student experience through, including:
- School of Graduate Studies Professional Development
- The Three Minutes Thesis ® competition
- The Graduate Students’ Association
Questions? Contact us!
Check the SGS event calendars for important dates and events:
School of Graduate Studies Defence Calendar
New and Returning Graduate Student Orientation
Graduate Students' Association (GSA) First Impressions Program
Fresh Fest is the start of the Fall term bash, put on by the University of Lethbridge Students’ Union (ULSU)
Questions? Contact the Students’ Union
Your ONE Pass gives you access to the entire Centre for Sport and Wellness facilities and the cost of the ONE Pass is included in your tuition and fees.
Visit the Horns Recreation site to learn more about the ONE Pass and other sport and recreation programming.
Questions? Contact Horns Recreation.
The Student Success Centre is here to support you as you set and work to achieve your goals. They provides academic support, information about mental health, and general information about the services available at ULethbridge
Questions? Contact the Student Success Centre.
- Many fine arts plays, concerts, exhibitions and events are scheduled during your first term and beyond
- Purchase tickets online, call 403-329-2616 or visit the Box Office (W510)
- Pick-up your copy of the Season at a Glance at the Box Office
Questions? Contact the Box Office.
- Register as soon as possible as many intramurals fill up quickly
- Don’t have a team? No problem, sign up as an individual
- Visit the website above for a list of possible sports
Questions? Contact Sport and Recreation Services
The HERD is the student-led spirit club that passionately follows our athletic teams, the ULethbridge Pronghorns
To join the HERD visit the Customer Service Centre (PE209), stop by any Pronghorn game, or call 403.329.2706.
Questions? Contact Sport and Recreation Services
Whether dance, business, model UN, program-based groups, or other interests, student clubs are the best way to get involved and have fun outside of class hours. There are nearly 100 student clubs on campus that provide social and athletic activities, travel, religious fellowship, and charitable and cultural support. If the club you want doesn’t exist, it’s easy to start one! Find the club for you or start your own by visiting
There are more than 70 clubs on campus that provide social and athletic activities, travel, religious fellowship, and charitable and cultural support. Some clubs surf in California while others debate in Ottawa. Some have hosted speakers and sponsored conferences; some have presented art shows and music concerts.
Clubs provide opportunities to meet new people on campus, develop a support system, connect with other students in your program, or try out a new interest. You may even discover a hidden talent.
Visit the Bookstore and purchase your first piece of blue and gold uLethbridge merchandise. Wear it proudly around campus—you’re a Pronghorn now!
Questions? Contact the Bookstore.
Health and wellness
Sexual Violence Support & Education
Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Prevention Policy
As a ULethbridge student, you are required to complete the MANDATORY Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Prevention Training in Moodle prior to registration (see the Student FAQ).
Review the Sexual Violence Support & Education website to learn about creating a safe and supportive campus and to find resources.
Questions? Find contact information here:
Applicable only if you have a medical condition requiring ongoing assistance
The Health Centre can assist with Medical Care Planning, including booking your first appointment with a physician in your first term, by calling 403-329-2484
Questions? Contact the Health Centre
If you are a full-time student, the Students’ Union health and dental plans are mandatory, unless you can show proof of alternate coverage.
If you are a part-time student and would like to utilize the Students’ Union health and dental plans, they are not mandatory and you will need contact the Students' Union to opt-in.
Check the ULSU website for more information and the opt-out deadline.
Questions? Contact the Students’ Union Health and Dental Plans Administrator
Counselling services for students are available both in-person and remotely.
It takes tremendous courage to seek help and to work on personal issues. Seeking resources shows great initiative and personal responsibility. Both are strengths important for general success in life.
If you are a currently registered student, Counselling Services is here to help! Counselling is a process where the client and counsellor work together to come up with different ways to experience various situations. They have a great team of professional counsellors. All our counsellors have a minimum of a master's level degree from the field of psychology and clinical social work, are registered with a professional organization and are pursuing or have completed additional qualifications. They are here to help students shine personally and professionally!
If you need a safe and confidential space to discuss life’s stresses and tough situations, the Campus Collective has trained listeners waiting to meet with you.
Elders from the Indigenous community are on campus each week to share knowledge and traditional practices, to offer guidance and support, for story telling, cultural teaching and spiritual mentoring. Indigenous Elder support is available to any University of Lethbridge student, staff or faculty from any culture.
While on campus, the Elders can be found in the Carolla (Napiakii) Calf Robe Elders and Ceremony Room in A430 (University Hall) next to the Tatsikiistamik (Middle Bull) Lounge, or in the Iikaisskini (Low Horn) Gathering Centre in W650 (University Hall/Centre for the Arts).
For more information email
The Univeristy of Lethbridge Mutli Faith Room (TH177) is available for use by individual members of the University community (valid ID required) for reasons associated with faith, meditation, or to spend time in quiet reflection. It is accommodating of all beliefs and religious affiliations. The Room is only available for individual, drop-in use and not for booking. For more information on conditions of use please see the Notice Board or email