Junior & Graduation Recitals

All students preparing recitals for Studio VI (MUSI3648 – Junior Recital), and Studio VIII (MUSI4848 – Graduation Recital), are required to complete the Application for Recital Form. This document includes step-by-step instructions for completing the booking process.
Generally, recitals will be scheduled in October and November for the Fall and Winter terms.
Students will perform required recitals in the recital hall (W570). For information on the use of the recital hall for a required recital, and what you may expect from the theatre staff, please consult this document.
Application for Recital Package
- Application for Junior Recital (Winter 2025)
- Application for Graduation Recital (Winter 2025)
- Concert/Recital Information sheet (Junior Recitals)
- Concert/Recital Information sheet (Graduation Recitals)
Recital Program and Poster Information
Complete the Recital Program Template with your studio teacher and email to music@uleth.ca - Due 2 weeks before your recital date. For more information, please click HERE!
Primarily scheduled during the Exam Period.
At the discretion of your respective studio instructor, students in Studio VI (MUSI 3648) may complete a recital in lieu of an end-of semester jury.
If a student is ill or experiences an unexpected event that prevents them from performing on the date of their recital, the student will be required to perform an extended jury or the student's performance will be cancelled. This decision will be made in consultation with your studio instructor and the Studio Coordinator.
Junior recitals are shared by 3 students. Each recital will be a maximum of 1 hour and 45 minutes in length (30 minutes/student), including pauses and set-up changes. All repertoire selections and the length of the recital are to be approved by the studio teacher(s). Junior recitals include one 15-minute intermission.
Theatre management will provide one front-of–house manager, one stage manager, and one recording technician for the recital.
Junior Recital Procedures
Students must adhere to the following procedures when booking and preparing a required Junior recital:
- Arrange/finalize pianist booking and arrange for all other performers who may join you on the recital.
- Complete the Application for Recital Form with your studio teacher.
- Submit the form to music@uleth.ca by the deadline noted on the form (email or paper copy).
- The Studio Coordinator will create the studio recital schedule and inform the student of their date and time via email. The schedule can also be accessed online via the Recital Calendar. *It is the responsibility of the studio student to confirm the date and time with all performers/pianist(s) listed on the form.
- Complete the Concert/Recital Information sheet.
- Your Recital Information Sheet is due at least two weeks before your recital date.
- Your studio instructor must proofread the content and approve the program order, before it is submitted (two weeks before the recital).
- Complete the Recital Program Template (found at https://www.ulethbridge.ca/fine-arts/study/music/junior-and-graduation-recitals/recital-programs-and-posters) and e-mail it to music@uleth.ca no later than two weeks before your recital date.
- Book your dress rehearsals in the online Facility Booking System with your studio teacher. Each student is entitled to 2 hours of dress rehearsal time.
- Archival recordings will be made available within 30 days of the recital. Information will be sent via email. If you wish to engage a Digital Audio Arts student(s) to perform a live-capture recording of your recital, you must first obtain approval from your studio instructor and communicate with Box Office Manager, Baz Skinner, via your Concert/Recital Information form.
- (Optional) Create a recital poster. All posters must be approved by the Studio Coordinator.
- The studio instructor must confirm the Junior recital will proceed by emailing music@uleth.ca. If an instructor decides that a recital should not proceed, the student will be added to the end-of-semester jury schedule to complete an extended jury.
- Review Recital Hall Usage guidelines for performance preparation
Scheduled in November, December, March and April.
At the discretion of your respective studio teacher, all students in Studio VIII (MUSI4848) must complete a recital by the last day of class in which the student is enrolled in MUSI 4848, in lieu of an end-of semester jury.
If a student is ill or experiences an unexpected event that prevents them from performing on the date of their recital, the recital can be rescheduled. Please speak to the Studio Coordinator for more information.
Graduation recitals must not exceed 75 minutes in length, including 50 – 60 minutes of music, pauses, set-up changes, and intermission. All repertoire selections and the length of recital are to be approved by the studio instructor. The length of the intermission is to be confirmed with the stage manager on the day of the recital- the standard length is 15 minutes. Please be sure to include the intermission in the program.
Graduation recitals for Composition Studio students require that the student present a recital of their own original works. The student is responsible for arranging performers, rehearsals, and all other aspects of mounting the performance. All aspects are factored into the recital grade, as per the course outline.
Theatre management will provide one front-of-house manager, one-stage manager, and one recording technician. All graduation recitals are recorded for archival purposes. Recordings will be available within 30 days of the recital.
If you wish to engage a Digital Audio Arts student(s) to perform a live-capture recording of your recital, you must first obtain approval from your studio instructor and communicate with Box Office Manager, Baz Skinner, via your Concert/Recital Information form.
There are no fees associated with the completion of Graduation recitals.
Graduation Recital Procedures
Students must adhere to the following procedures when booking and preparing a required Graduation recital:
- Arrange/finalize pianist booking and arrange for all other performers who may join you on the recital.
- Complete the Application for Recital Form with your studio teacher.
- Submit the form to music@uleth.ca by the deadline noted on the form (email or paper copy).
- The Studio Coordinator will create the studio recital schedule and inform the student of their date and time via email. The schedule can also be accessed online via the Recital Calendar. *It is the responsibility of the studio student to confirm the date and time with all performers/pianist(s) listed on the form.
- Complete the Concert/Recital Information sheet.
- Your Recital Information Sheet is due at least two weeks before your recital date.
- Your studio instructor must proofread the content and approve the program order, before it is submitted (2 weeks before the recital).
- Book your dress rehearsals in the online Facility Booking System with your studio teacher. Each student performing a Graduation Recital is entitled to 4 hours of dress rehearsal time. Composition students are entitled to 6 total hours of dress rehearsal time.
- (Optional) Create a recital poster. All posters must be approved by the Studio Coordinator.
- Complete the Recital Program Template (found at https://www.ulethbridge.ca/fine-arts/study/music/junior-and-graduation-recitals/recital-programs-and-posters) and e-mail it to music@uleth.ca no later than two weeks before your recital date.
- Review Recital Hall Usage guidelines for performance preparation.