Drama Lockers and Storage
A limited number of lockers are located on the Level 5 hallway to the right of the University Theatre lobby. They are available on a first-come first-served basis with priority given to 3rd and 4th year Drama Majors. Lockers may be booked for one or two semesters, and locks are provided. Any Drama student wanting a locker should:
- See the Admin Support in W660 with your name, student ID, and indicate your locker request. You will be loaned a lock and locker for the academic year.
- Lockers must be cleaned out at the end of the academic year and any items left behind will be removed and taken to Security to eventually be disposed of as per university protocols. Any student who does not comply with the rules will have the contents of their locker removed and lose their locker privileges.
Storage Cabinets
Locking storage cabinets, which can be booked for one or two semesters, are available for use by student clubs. Two large cabinets and 10 smaller ones are located on Level 5 near the drama lockers. These cabinets are for those projects/performances where necessary costumes and props do not fit in a standard drama locker. Contact Krystal Ming-Honiwell in W660 to claim a cabinet and borrow a lock. Please return lock to Krystal at the end of the booking period. Any possessions left in the lockers at the end of the term will be disposed of or given to Security as lost & found items. The admin staff will not hold any of these items for pickup.