Mainstage and TheatreXtra Seasons
ULethbridge alumni at heart of 2024/25 Mainstage Alumni Season lineup

Drama Mainstage 2024-2025 Alumni Season
Season Patron – Terry Whitehead (BA ’94), Chancellor
Tickets on sale September 1, 2024
alterNatives by Drew Hayden Taylor
October 7 – 11 | 7:30 pm
Location: David Spinks Theatre
Directed by Marshall Vielle (BFA Dramatic Arts ’17)
David Smith- Set & Props, Lighting Design
Jolane Houle- Costume Design (BFA Dramatic Arts '12)
alterNatives, by acclaimed Indigenous playwright, Drew Hayden Taylor, explores the complexities of identity, relationships, and cultural intersections within a group of friends navigating modern life. Set against the backdrop of a lively dinner party, the play deftly balances humor and poignant social commentary, offering a fresh perspective on what it means to be Indigenous in today's world. Drew Hayden Taylor's masterful storytelling invites audiences to laugh, reflect, and ultimately, to rethink their own views on identity and belonging.
In Tongues by James Odin Wade (BFA – Multidisciplinary, ’11)
November 4 – 8 | 7:30 pm
Location: University Theatre
Directed by Anastasia Siceac (BFA Dramatic Arts ‘ 20)
Lee Burckes-Set & Props, Lighting Design
Amanda Epp- Costume Design (BFA Multidisciplinary ‘ 20)
Kelly Roberts- Sound Design
When true crime author Cara dies alone in her British Columbia cabin while researching an infamous killer, her husband and sister are left searching for answers. What they find in her research exposes new sides of Cara, her investigation and themselves.
Paradise Lost by Erin Shields
February 10 – 14 | 7:30 pm
Location: University Theatre
Directed by Jamie Dunsdon (BFA Dramatic Arts ’06)
Lucy Du-Set & Props Design (MFA Drama -Current student)
Julia Wasilewski-Lighting Design (BFA Multidisciplinary '07)
Rebecca Toon-Costume Design (BFA Dramatic Arts '06)
What's so bad about asking a few questions?
Does that really warrant having your wings ripped off, your halo thrown in the bin, and being tossed out of Heaven?
If wanting a few answers is so bad, then who would want to be good?
This contemporary adaptation of Milton's epic poem is the ultimate revenge story. Satan, having been freshly banished to hell, is hungry for vengeance and determined to take out all of her pain and everything she's lost on God's precious Adam and Eve. She's got a chip on her shoulder where her wings used to be, and a God-shaped hole in her heart. Paradise Lost by Erin Shields is a funny, poignant, and philosophically rich exploration of the consequences of free will
AI, Avatars & Aliens: A Speculative Cabaret
March 13, 14, & 15 | 7:30 pm
Location: David Spinks Theatre
Lee Burckes & David Smith: Set & Props, Lighting Design
How might artificial intelligence impact the future of human creativity? How do avatars help us explore identity? Where are all the aliens at? This speculative intersection of science and art engages with the questions, themes, aesthetics, and technologies of AI, Avatars and Aliens. The results of which will culminate in a cabaret that aims to include a variety of works from University of Lethbridge Alumnus, current students of the Drama Department, and Fine Arts faculty and staff. The cabaret will be curated by Mia van Leeuwen (Drama) and welcomes all styles of performance as well as video, projection, sound, and light-based works to produce a multi-arts affair. Stay tuned for more information!
Archive of all Mainstage productions 1977-2022