U of L Collaborative Ensemble

Directors: Dr. Carolyn Herrington & Dr. Sandra Stringer
This ensemble of pianists and guitarists partners with singers and instrumentalists to perform popular sonatas, showpieces, opera arias, and art songs. As duos, they study the subtleties of language and poetry, acoustics and balance; bringing their music to life in the moment of performance.
The collaborative courses are required for pianists and guitarists who are Music majors, but are also open to pianists or guitarists who can demonstrate proficiency on their instrument (an audition may be arranged by contacting the instructor). Instrumentalists or singers who are interested in participating as collaborative partners should also speak with the instructor for more information.
Interested students should contact the Directors at carolyn.herrington@uleth.ca and sandra.stringer@uleth.ca
Rehearsal Times & Location
Fridays from 2:00 - 3:45pm, University Hall (W570), with coaching sessions scheduled outside of the class meeting times