Destination Project Phase II Steering GFC Ad Hoc Committee
GFC created an ad hoc committee at the meeting of May 6, 2024. The following motions were approved:
General Faculties Council (GFC) approves the Destination Project – Phase II Steering Committee as an ad hoc committee of GFC with the attached noted composition and powers and duties.
General Faculties Council approves that upon the Destination Phase II project scope completion, the GFC ad hoc Destination Project – Phase II Steering Committee will be officially dissolved.
Committee Chairs
Michelle Helstein, Provost & Vice-President (Academic), ex officio
Deborah Lucas, Vice-President (Finance & Administration), ex officio
Ex Officio Members
Dena McMartin, Vice-President (Research), ex officio
TJ Hanson, Associate Vice-President, Facilities, ex officio
Matt Letts, Dean. Arts & Science or Designate, ex officio
Devon Smither, Associate Dean, Designate for Dean, Fine Arts , ex officio
Harold Jansen, Dean, Liberal Education or Designate, ex officio
Seven (7) Academic Staff members, appointed by GFC
Yllias Chali
Sean Fitzpatrick
Brenda Leung
Josephine Mills
Daniela Sirbu
Tara Million
Julie Young
One (1) Undergraduate Student
Maleeka Thomas
One (1) Graduate Student
Jaxon Reiter
Quorum = 9 Voting Members (Summer Quorum = 8 Voting Members)
Resource Persons (non-voting):
Gene Lublinkhof, Director, Major Capital Projects
Janay Nugent, Academic Lead
Kathy Greenwood, Vice-President (External Relations)
Kathleen Massey, Vice-Provost (Students)
Darren Schell, Associate Vice-President (Information Technology)
David Hinger, Executive Director, Teaching Centre
Ed deBruin, Director, Facilities Operations & Maintenance
Richard Westlund, Executive Director, Communications, Marketing & Government Relations
Nicole Bach, Project Manager, Destination Project II
Janessa Brown, Administrative Assistant, Major Construction Projects
Specific duties of the Project Steering Committee would include:
i. Oversee the strategic direction of the project and ensure that the project stays within the vision and
mandate of the University;
ii. Official endorsement of key planning documents including the functional program;
iii. Ensure the project stays within the defined scope, budget, and schedule;
iv. Ensure that all potential interested party’s input is received and considered;
v. Review the information received from the consultants and provides appropriate strategic feedback;
vi. With an overall campus wide viewpoint and pertinent consultation with stakeholders, make
recommendations when necessary to advance the project;
vii. Provide endorsement at key project milestones as defined by the project schedule;
viii. Ensure that the project design provides for efficient and economical operation;
ix. Approve any changes that alter the original scope of the project and deals with the implications on
budget and schedule.
o Provide input on various operational models to ensure they meet the needs for teaching and
research and coordinate input from faculty and department staff on various operational
aspects of the project;
o Advise on aspects related to the appropriate functioning of their respective areas of expertise;
o Participate in discussions related to the overall project and provide objective feedback during
discussions that revolve around the limited project budget and increasing expectations;
o Represents the Destination Project at related faculty/department meetings;
Destination Project Phase II Governance & Consultation Document