Convocation Ceremony Committee Members
Committee Chair
Richelle Marynowski, Chief Marshal, appointed by President (Spring 2027)
Ex Officio Members
Jodie Gallais, Designate, President & Vice-Chancellor
Terry Whitehead, Chancellor (March 15, 2027)
Kathy Greenwood, Vice-President, External Relations
Kathleen Massey, Vice-Provost, Students
Natasha Buis Deering, Executive Director (SEM) & Registrar
Kali McKay, Director, Community Engagement & Alumni Relations & Operations
Miranda Mackenzie, Convocation Coordinator (Committee Support Secretary)
Three (3) Academic Staff Members, nominated by the GFC Nominations Committee
Romany Craig, June 30, 2025
Maurice Needham, June 30, 2025
Wayne Lippa, June 30, 2025
One (1) Alumnus/Alumna (or Alternate), selected by Alumni Association Council
Armin Escher (Carole Goodreau), June 30, 2025
One (1) Undergraduate Student (or Alternate), selected by Students’ Union
Maleeka Thomas (Annie Ebenmelu), April 30, 2025
One (1) Graduate Student (or Alternate), selected by the Graduate Students Association
Jaxon Reiter (Jade Oldfield), April 30, 2025
Resource Persons or Designates (non-voting):
Gage DeSteur, Senate, Governance Officer
Marlene Taylor, Registrar's Office, Manager of Registration & Student Information
Quorum = 8 Voting Members (Summer Quorum = 7 Voting Members)