Iniskim Academic Development Advisory Circle (IADAC) Members

The following shall be members (voting) of the GFC Iniskim Academic Development Advisory Circle (IADAC):

Three (3) Academic Staff Members*, nominated by the Nominations Committee (one (1) shall be Indigenous and preference for others with experience with Indigenous Communities or Indigenous education.)

Don McIntyre, June 30, 2025
Jennifer Burke, June 30, 2025
Jason Laurendeau, June 30, 2025

One (1) Member, appointed by the Iniskim Aawaahskataiksi Council 
One (1) Undergraduate Student, selected by the Student’s Union
Shane McDougall (Maleeka Thomas), June 30, 2025
One (1) Graduate Student, selected by the Graduate Students’ Association
Jaxon Reiter, June 30, 2025
Two (2) Internal or External Community Members, recommended by the Iniskim Aawaahskataiksi Council and selected by the IADAC  

*The Committee Chair shall be selected from among the three (3) Academic Staff Members annually (July 1 – June 30) by the Committee.

Resource Persons (non-voting):
Leroy Little Bear, Vice-Provost, Iniskim Indigenous Relations

Quorum = 5 Voting Members (Summer Quorum = 4 Voting Members)