Academic Appeals & Discipline Committee Members

Committee Chair
Michelle Helstein, Provost & Vice-President (Academic), ex officio

Two (2) Academic Staff Members (two (2) alternates), nominated by the GFC Nominations Committee, selected to represent different Faculties/Schools
Brendan Cummins (Marcus Dostie), June 30, 2026
Tracy Oosterbroek (Jacob Bachinger), June 30, 2025

Two (2) Undergraduate Students (or alternates) selected by Students' Union (selected to represent different Faculties/Schools)*
Lulya Michael (Juliana Ford), April 30, 2025
Yuno Wang (Alejandro Figueroa), April 30, 2025

Two (2) Graduate Students (or alternates), selected by the Graduate Students’ Association*
Jade Oldfield (Jaxon Reiter), April 30, 2025
Vacant (Vacant), April 30, 2025

Resource Person (non-voting):
Jodie Gallais, Director, University Secretariat

Quorum = 3 Voting Members (Summer Quorum = 3 Voting Members)

*Undergraduate students serve on those cases concerning undergraduate students, and graduate students serve on those cases regarding graduate students