Executive Committee Members

Members of Council Executive Committee must be members of Council. Academic Staff members whose term has expired on Council, can continue to serve on the Executive Committee, and vote at Council,until their replacement is approved, which is normally at the October meeting of Council.

Committee Chair
Digvir Jayas, President & Vice-Chancellor, ex officio

Vice Chair
Michelle Helstein, Provost & Vice-President (Academic), ex officio

Four (4) Academic Staff Members, nominated by Council for two-year terms
Nehal Thakor, October 3, 2024
Richelle Marynowski, October 3, 2024
James Dobbie,  October 7, 2025
Janet Youngdahl, October 2, 2024

One (1) Undergraduate Students, selected by Students' Council for a one-year term
Maleeka Thomas, April 30, 2025

One (1) Graduate Student, selected by the Graduate Students' Association for a one-year term
Jaxon Reiter, April 30, 2025

Resource Persons (non-voting):
Jodie Gallais, Director, University Secretariat


Quorum = 5 Voting Members (Summer Quorum = 4 Voting Members)