Research Planning Committee Members
Committee Chair
Dena McMartin, Vice-President (Research)
Ex Officio Members
Jackie Rice, Associate Vice-President (Research) or designate
Julia Brassolotto, Designate for Michelle Helstein, Provost & Vice-President (Academic)
Marc Roussel, Associate Dean, School of Graduate Studies designate For Jackie Rice, Associate Vice-President (Research) & Dean of School of Graduate Studies
Nine (9) Academic Staff Members*, nominated by GFC Nominations Committee
Three (3) from the Faculty of Arts & Science
One (1) from Humanities
Dan O'Donnell, June 30, 2025
One (1) from Sciences
Ylias Chali, June 30, 2025
One (1) from Social Sciences
Paul Vasey, June 30, 2027
One (1) from the Dhillon School of Business
Walter Wymer, June 30, 2026
One (1) from the Faculty of Education
Robert LeBlanc, June 30, 2026
One (1) from the Faculty of Fine Arts
Janet Youngdahl, June 30, 2026
One (1) from the School of Graduate Studies
Peter Dibble, June 30, 2026
One (1) from the Faculty of Health Sciences
Brenda Leung, June 30, 2027
One (1) from the School of Liberal Education
Kaylan Schwarz, June 30, 2026
* Members will normally hold an appointment at the senior Associate or Full Professor level and provide evidence of a sustained track record in ideally at least three of the following:
- Obtaining external funds to support their research, creative, or scholarly endeavours, including provincial, Tri-Agency (Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council and Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council), or other federal funding, industry, or non-government organization;
- Participating in external or internal adjudication committees for competitive research, scholarship, and/or creative endeavours in the past 5 years (alternatively on a salary, tenure and promotion (STP) committee);
- Participating as a formal peer mentor in the Supporting Outstanding University Research and Creative Excellence (SOURCE) program within the past 5 years (preferably for at least two years);
- Supervising or co-supervising undergraduate and graduate research students and/or post-doctoral fellows;
- Holding an externally funded or endowed research chair; and
- Serving on the human research ethics boards of record and/or animal welfare committee.
Resource Members (non-voting)
Sola Fasunwon, Director, Research and Innovation Services
Alison Piekema, Executive Assistant, Research and Innovation Services
Quorum = 7 Voting Members (Summer Quorum = 7 Voting Members)