Faculty (STP) Handbook Appeals Committee

Committee Chair (non-voting)

Kerry Godfrey, Dean or University Librarian appointed by the Provost & Vice-President (Academic), ex officio

Non-Voting Members
Suzanne Lenon (Dawn McBride), ULFA, August 31, 2024

Six (6) Voting Members (alternates)

Three (3) Tenured Faculty Members (Alternates), selected by Arts & Science Council, Only one of the three faculty members selected will serve to include strong representation from the disciplinary interest of the Member (see Article 17).

One (1) from Humanities
Dan O'Donnell (Vacant), August 31, 2025

One (1) from Sciences
Hadi Kharaghani (Randy Barley), August 31, 2025

One (1) from Social Sciences
Duane Rockerbie, (Danny Le Roy), August 31, 2025

One (1) Tenured Faculty member (Alternate) selected by Business Council

Stuart Thomas (Murray Lindsay), August 31, 2024

One (1) Tenured Faculty member (Alternate) selected by Education Council

Vacant (Kerry Bernes), August 31, 2024

One (1) Tenured Faculty member (Alternate) selected by Fine Arts Council

Goerg Boenn (Peter Visentin), August 31, 2024

One (1) Tenured Faculty member (Alternate) selected by Health Sciences Council

Darren Christensen (Sienna Caspar), August 31, 2024

One (1) Tenured Professional Librarian (Alternate) selected by the Professional Librarians’ Committee

Rhys Stevens (Sandra Cowan), August 31, 2024

Resource Member (Non-Voting)
Linda Gilbert, Administrative Assistant to the Provost

Names in parentheses are those of alternates.