SGS Governing Principles (Approved by General Faculties Council July 1, 2023)
III. The Executive Committee of Graduate Council
Duties and Responsibilities of the Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall be comprised of members of Graduate Council as follows:
- The Dean of the School of Graduate Studies, Chair
- The Chair, or equivalent, of each graduate program committee
- The Associate Dean of the School of Graduate Studies
- Four faculty members, who are members of the Graduate Council, appointed by Graduate Council for staggered two-year terms
- One graduate student from Graduate Council, or designate graduate student representing the Graduate Students’ Association
Duties and Responsibilities of the Executive Committee
- Reviewing the organization and procedures of Graduate Council and its committees and reporting with appropriate recommendations for improved effectiveness on matters of a conceptual, structural, or strategic nature.
- Setting the agenda for meetings of Graduate Council, ensuring that materials are sufficiently developed to afford fruitful debate at Council.
- Acting on behalf of Graduate Council for matters requiring immediate action or when a quorum of Graduate Council is not reached. All actions taken on behalf of Graduate Council will be reported at the next regular meeting of Graduate Council.
- Acting on behalf of the Graduate Council on any other matter for which Graduate Council authorizes it by passing an appropriate resolution.
- Approving recipients for graduate program Medals of Merit and the Governor General’s Gold Medal.
- Hearing any academic appeals as specified by the University of Lethbridge Graduate Studies Calendar and Course Catalogue.
Quorum: Seven members of the Executive Committee.
Meeting: A meeting shall be held any time on the call of the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies.