Important Update from School of Graduate Studies

5 years ago

Effective March 18, the School of Graduate Studies office is closed for in-person services. We will remain open for providing services remotely Monday to Friday, 08:30am-4:30pm.

Student Advising
All student appointments will be conducted virtually (via email, phone or Zoom). If you’d like to book an appointment with an advisor, please email us at providing your name, program of study, ID #, and topic you would like to discuss with an advisor (e.g., program completion, comprehensive examination, thesis proposal submission, etc.).

Final Thesis Examinations, Comprehensive Examinations, Transfer Examinations, and Thesis Proposals
In light of recent developments, all of the above degree requirements will be moved to an online delivery format. We ask that supervisors in consultation with the examination chair, if applicable, make the necessary arrangements to move to an online format. Student presentations will be given to members of the relevant examinations committee or supervisory committee only - no public presentations will be given. As part of the planning process, please prepare a contingency plan in the event that technology problems are experienced.

If graduate students have concerns about examination delivery formats, please contact your supervisor.

Student Forms and Degree Requirement Documentation
Please submit program-related forms and degree requirement documentation digitally by emailing us scanned/digital forms at We will not be able to take any physical forms at this time.

Graduate Assistantships
Students with current GAs (Teaching, Non-Teaching, and Research) will continue to be paid, and we ask that Graduate Coordinators, Chairs, and anyone supervising/co-supervising a student with a GA (Teaching, Non-Teaching, and Research) look for flexible ways to continue to assign work for those students who cannot continue their previously assigned duties.

Student Funding
Please ensure you are registered for the Summer 2020 term before the add/drop deadline to ensure there is no disruption in scholarship payments.

The deadline to submit a graduate scholarship application for internal scholarships remains May 15, 2020. If you have any questions regarding your funding, please contact us at Please see the following page for additional financial tips during these extraordinary times.

Available Resources
Here are some resources for your reference regarding COVID-19 and online support:

Please be reassured that the success of our students is our number one priority. We will strive to provide the support you need during these difficult times.

If you have any other questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at