Experience Matters

4 years 4 months ago

It’s the first anniversary of MyExperience on campus!

The initiative, along with the associated position of Experiential Education Advisor, was recently merged into Career Bridge: Center for Work-Integrated Learning and Career Development. MyExperience supports the transition from academic experiences to a professional career by offering students a way to search, register, and track experiential learning.

What is MyExperience?

Launched in September 2019, the MyExperience platform provides a central repository for all experiential learning opportunities across campus (curricular, co-curricular, and extra-curricular). Students can search this database and sign up for a broad range of experiential learning opportunities to help them advance their careers.

What is the MyExperience Transcript?

The development of the MyExperience platform has an end goal of providing students with an experiential record, or MyExperience Transcript (MET). As an official record of a student’s curricular, co-curricular, and extra-curricular experiential learning, the MET is a supplement to the academic transcript that reflects a student’s complete University experience.

What is reflected on the MyExperience Transcript?

The MyExperience Transcript reflects the experiential learning opportunities in which a student has participated during the completion of their degree. Experiential learning opportunities may take place on or off campus, are tied to competencies, and cover a range of categories, including:

  • Leadership
    • Mentor, Tutor, GSA Positions, Resident’s Assistant
  • Globalization, Research, Creativity & Innovation
    • International Exchange, Agility Programming, Project Sandbox, GTA-PD, Research Opportunities
  • Work-Integrated Learning
    • Co-Op, Applied Study
  • Community Service
    • uVolunteer (Volunteer Lethbridge)
  • Career-Related Skills Development
    • Events, Workshops, Trainings from the Library, Research Services, and other Thrive partners

Since September 2019, there have been 1,984 students with at least 1 validated experience in the platform.

Questions about the MyExperience Transcript (MET)?
Send them to my.experience@uleth.ca

Want to learn more about the MET?
Visit the Career Bridge website.

Want to add an experiential learning activity to the MET?
Staff or faculty offering experiences can complete the Activity Request Form to get started.