TriCouncil (NSERC, SSHRC, CIHR) Masters

NOTE: The deadline for this award has passed (Sunday, December 1, 2024)


  • December 1st* (there is no internal deadline)
    *If the deadline falls on a weekend, applications must be submitted by the following business day before 8:00 p.m. (ET).


  • $27,000 for one year


  • CIHR: 2 award
  • SSHRC: 6 awards
  • NSERC 4 awards


  • Canadian or Permanent Resident
  • Full time graduate program with a significant research component
  • No more than 12 months in program as of Dec. 31st
  • Individuals must have applied for admission to a graduate program at ULethbridge prior to a CGSM awards can be offered.
  • Achieved first class average (GPA of 3.5) in each of the last two years completed
  • See Graduate Scholarships - Master's Program for all the details

Application Process

Indigenous Scholars Awards and Supplements Pilot Initiative offered by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) and SSHRC, the pilot initiative will provide, to the limit of available funding, a $5,000 supplement to qualifying Indigenous Canada Graduate Scholarships—Master’s program (CGS M) award holders, and provide a $17,500 award and a $5,000 supplement to qualifying Indigenous candidates who are on the waitlist for the CGS M program. Applicants will use the same application form and follow the same application process as for the CGS M competition.

Playlist - Scholarships & Fellowships program application tutorials:

For more information, please visit Graduate Scholarship -Master's website.

  • Selection process for CGS master’s students
  • Under this model, students will submit applications to the CGS program via the NSERC/SSHRC/CIHR Research Portal. The agencies will make the proposals available to up to three of the institution(s) to which the applicant intends to apply for admission for his or her master’s studies (incoming model).
  • The selection process will move from a two-stage process to a one-stage process. The institution(s) receiving the CGS applications will manage the selection process and award the CGS scholarships (the agencies will no longer conduct centralized, national selection processes for the master’s program).

Virtual TriCouncil Masters Scholarship workshop:

Monday, October 28
1:30 pm to 2:30 pm (MDT)
Via Zoom: Click here to join the session
Host: Deirdre Coburn

The virtual workshop will cover the application requirements, along with hints and tips for writing a successful research-based scholarship application.

NSERC is hosting the following question and answer sessions for the CGS M program:

Thursday, November 7 (in English)

CIHR and SSHRC staff will join the session

1 pm to 3 pm (ET)

Link: Click here to join the session

Wednesday, November 13 (in French)

11 am to 1 pm (ET)

Link: Click here to join the session

Friday, November 15 (in English)

CIHR and SSHRC staff will join the session

10 am to noon (ET)

Link: Click here to join the session

Tuesday, November 19 (in English)

CIHR and SSHRC staff will join the session

11 am to 1 pm (ET)

Link: Click here to join the session

Thursday, November 21 (in French)

SSHRC staff will join the session

1 pm to 3 pm (ET)

Link: Click here to join the session

These sessions will be hosted as live Q&A MS Teams events. They are supported by a series of informational videos available on the NSERC YouTube channel. These videos are intended to replace the presentation portion of the NSERC sessions, allowing NSERC and/or tri-agency staff and applicants to engage in a more in-depth and detailed Q&A session. Participants should watch the videos in advance and come to the Q&A session with specific questions in mind.

Award Quick Look

Deadline: Sunday, December 1, 2024

Amount: $27,000

Student status: Full Time

Type: External

More information:

  • Canadian
  • Permanent Resident
  • Master of Arts
  • Master of Counselling
  • Master of Education
  • Master of Fine Arts
  • Master of Music
  • Master of Nursing
  • Master of Science
  • Master of Science in Management