Day 12 — October 27, 2006 —Nairobi to Amboseli National Park
Leaving Nairobi one once again noticed the contrast between city and rural life. At break time, at least this time, we had the opportunity to enjoy the flowers and not just be hassled to buy souvenirs. A new twist — camel rides. But they didn't appear to be doing a brisk business.

Continuing on, we got a good view of rural life but once we passed the gate of Amboseli National Park it was another world.

I would call it desert. We sped across a land of dust devils, the distance presenting a mirage showing a gigantic lake that didn't exist. Eventually we arrived at an oasis that featured the Amboseli Sopa Lodge. Again, we were warned to not get overly friendly with the monkeys.

After lunch, we prepared for a late afternoon game drive. Seeing animals working their way through a swamp with dust devils dancing behind offered an interesting contrast and in the distance Mount Kilimanjaro peaked through the clouds

If your home is in the west you've gone over many a cattle gate. But how often does one go through an elephant gate. At least we knew we wouldn't be have a en elephant visit us in the night.


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