Some herons & storks we photographed in East Africa
Black-headed Heron

— the call is a loud croaking

— builds a bulky stick nest and lays 2-4 egg

— breeds in the wet season in colonies in trees, reedbeds or cliffs

— common throughout much of Africa south of the Sahara, and Madagascar

Cattle Egret

— will ride on the backs of large ruminants

— nests in colonies, often with other wading birds

— is of Old World origins, but has been a very successful coloniser

Goliath Heron

— is the world's largest heron - wingspan of at least 7 ft (2 m)

— in flight it is slow and rather ponderous - legs not held horizontally

— hunts by standing, intently watching the water at its feet - spears prey

Grey Heron

— call is a loud croaking "fraaank"

— spears fish, frogs, small mammals and birds

— waits motionless for prey, or slowly stalk its victim

— generally solitary except when breeding - builds a bulky stick nest

Marabou Stork

one of the largest flying birds in the world

— will eat just about any kind of animal, dead or alive

— loves carrion & squirts excrement onto its own legs

— rely on vultures to open tough outer hides then dig in with huge bills

— establishing nesting territory they inflate gular sacks to repel intruders

Saddle-billed Stork

— the “saddle” is the yellow patch

— in flight, large bill droops - unusual appearance

— is represented in an Ancient Egyptian hieroglyph

— probably the tallest, but not the heaviest, of the storks

— huge bird, typically 150 cm (5 feet) tall with a 270cm (9 feet) wingspan

Yellow-Billed Stork

generally seen in groups

— quickest known muscular reflex

— allows almost all food to be caught in water

> Feeding <

— slightly opens bill immersed to near base

— stirs bottom mud with one foot - may open wing to shade water

— bill instantly snaps when prey moves

— seized prey manipulated, wriggling, between mandibles

— then swallowed (usually alive)

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Hawks & Eagles
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Day 8
Day 13
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Day 23
Herons & Storks
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Day 9
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Day 19
Day 24
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