Day 2 — October 17, 2006 — London, England

After breakfast we headed off for a walking tour of the Thames waterfront with the hope that we would fall upon a British Airways office so we could get our seat assignment for our next day's flight to Kenya. Spotting a British Airways logo by the Millenium wheel we thought we had lucked out.

Not so. It was a different department. They sent us on a long walk to Knightsbridge Department Store where we discovered the office had been closed down. At this point we wondered if it might be a lot easier to just find an internet cafe and do the job on-line. Eventually we found a cafe but with a cost of $4 it seemed wiser just to make a phone call.

Finally, we found a phone booth (a pretty seedy place, I might add) and made contact — only to discover we would have to wait until we got to the airport the next morning.

Well, it had been an interesting walk.


The wall around the Buckingham Palace estate doesn't really encourage visitation.
It would appear London pay phones still have a use.
In the evening a five minute journey brought us to Victoria Palace Theatre and the smash hit British musical Billy Elliot. We had gone for the cheap down front seats which were quite adequate for this excellent production.

It was interesting to note there is a food concession right in the main part of this fine old theatre whereas at home no food or drink is allowed in our little show place. I always find these things amusing. For example, you can take photos (even sometimes with a flash) at many of the most prestigious museums in the world, whereas often small town museums have a list of regulations a mile long.

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