In the event that you need to withdraw from one or more of your courses following the extended drop deadline you can log onto the Bridge and do so under Student – Registration – Add, Drop, or Withdraw from Classes.
You will be assessed full fees for the courses in which you were registered. The deadlines for withdrawal are found in the Academic Schedule. Keep in mind that if you withdraw from a course, you will receive an 'W' on your transcript.
Withdrawal with Cause
*Withdrawal with Cause ('WC') will be replaced with Late Withdrawal ('WL') and new regulations effective May 1, 2025.
Sometimes there are extenuating circumstances beyond a student’s control that make continuation in a course impossible. Students must apply for a Withdrawal with Cause to their faculty advising office and will be asked to provide evidence of the conditions that led to the withdrawal have been identified and addressed. Financial penalties are the same for both a Withdrawal and Withdrawal with Cause.
Did You Know? Both a Withdrawal and Withdrawal with Cause will be recorded on a student’s transcript. However; “W” or “WC” grades do not calculate into a GPA.
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