Anderson, Robert (Bob)
ANDERSON Robert Newton Anderson, known to most as Bob, passed away peacefullySaturday April 7, 2012. Bob enjoyed a life well lived, as a man of greatprinciple and compassion. He was a loving husband of 61 years to his wife andpartner Shirley Ann Anderson (nee Bennett). He was a very involved and proudfather and grandfather to his five children Janis Pritchard (Malcolm), EllenAnderson (Warren Moore), Jeffrey Anderson (Carol), Garnet Anderson and DavidAnderson (Cathy); ten grandchildren Jennifer, Arwyn, Matthew, Dylan, Hilary,Bill, Anna, Rachel, Blair and Cali. Bob was predeceased by his parents Berthaand George Anderson. Bob is survived by his sisters Thelma Stevens (Wendell) andGena McNabb (Jim); as well as numerous nieces, nephews and their families. Bobgrew up in Saskatchewan and attended the University of Saskatchewan for his BA &B.Ed and the University of Minnesota for his MA and PhD. Bob's career began atScott Collegiate in Regina, followed by the University of Calgary, theUniversity of Regina, and 21 years at the University of Lethbridge where inaddition to his teaching, he served 2 terms as Dean of Education. He was awardedthe University of Lethbridge's Distinguished Teacher Award in 1989. Bob waspassionate about his wife, family, students, colleagues, church and politics.Bob and Shirley lived abroad regularly and travelled widely. He was a citizen ofthe world, a lifelong learner and a wonderful storyteller for his children andgrandchildren. A Memorial Service was held on Wednesday, April 11, 2012 at1:00PM in the MCKILLOP UNITED CHURCH, 2329 15 Ave South, Lethbridge AB withReverend Trevor Potter, officiating. Interment in Saskatoon at a later date. Inplace of flowers, donations may be made to the Stephen Lewis Foundation 260Spadina Ave., Suite 501, Toronto, ON M5T 2E4 or to the United Church of CanadaFoundation 3250 Bloor Street, West Suite 300, Toronto, ON M8X 2Y4.