Extended Health and/or Travel Insurance
Extended Health and/or Travel Insurance
Most of the academic staff retiring from the University of Lethbridge will have been told of the Extended Health Benefits available through Associate Membership with the Alberta Retired Teachers Association (ARTA), but some of other members have chosen other options for their extended health care.
Extended health care insurance is available through a variety of private, non-profit, and not-for-profit providers.
Listed below are ones that ULRASA members have spoken about. It pays to compare the plans and decide which one is best for your medical, dental, and travel needs.
Alberta Retired Teachers Association
Retired members of the Alberta Postsecondary Education Sector are eligible to join ARTA as an associate member.
ARTA Benefit Plans | ARTA (artabenefits.net)
Retired Teachers of Ontario
Access to insurance via RTOERO is courtesy of ULRASA's membership in CURAC. As a result, ULRASA receives a small subsidy when our members sign up with RTOERO
Extended health care plan - RTOERO
Alberta Blue Cross
Alberta Blue Cross (ABC) is an Alberta-based not-for-profit governed by the ABC Benefits Corporation Act of Alberta.