Equipment, space, assistance, and branding
1. With the approval of the Dean/University Librarian, ULRASA members may use University equipment, seek office/lab space, and benefit from administrative assistance. It is noted that approval is contingent on the needs and resources of the applicable department.
2. ULRASA members may use University-branded materials (e.g., letterhead, powerpoint templates, etc.) for those occasions that line up with their prior academic and professional responsibilities in teaching/professional practice, research, and service. HOWEVER, when using these materials, the University requires that the ULRASA member identify their relationship with the University as being Emeritus/Emerita or Retired.
3. ULRASA members may be entitled to book meeting rooms or other general spaces on the Lethbridge campus for University related purposes through the online Room/Space Booking process (must use email address to access the booking system). The booking of space must adhere to University policies and procedures. There will be a charge for the use of the space (as per University policy) if the space use is for non-University related purposes, private or personal gain for the ULRASA member.