Enjoy your ULRASA Benefits!
The University of Lethbridge (U of L) acknowledges that, although employment ends with retirement, retired academic staff members (faculty, professional librarians, instructors/academic assistants) may continue their association in the University community, retain their commitment to and involvement with the University of Lethbridge and their profession, and have an abiding interest in the academic success of the University. The University, in turn embraces its opportunity to support academic retirees in their commitment to further this continued academic engagement which, in turn, benefits and promotes the University.
An official "Memorandum of Reciprocity" outlining the details of this support for Regular Members of ULRASA was finalized as of December 2019 and reviewed and reaffirmed as of October 2024.
Key points are summarized in the menu items below.
For more detailed information, please refer to the Memorandum.