Post-approval monitoring program
The post-approval monitoring program is part of the University of Lethbridge's compliance with Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC) requirements. It ensures animal use protocols and standard operating procedures are applied in practice as approved by the Animal Welfare Committee (AWC).
This program includes:
- Facility site visits when procedures are being performed
- Evaluation of document and record keeping
- A comparison of the actual activities being performed and those that are approved on the protocol
- The use of endpoint monitoring, annual renewals and facility assessments
Routine animal husbandry activities are also a significant component of the University's post-approval monitoring program. Animals are checked at least daily by either the research personnel or the animal care staff to monitor health and welfare. The Veterinarian conducts regular rounds of the animals in each facility, and is available for consultation as needed by the researchers.
The Post-Approval Monitoring Program Document describes the University of Lethbridge Post-Approval Monitoring (PAM) program in greater detail.
Post-Approval Monitoring worksheets