Resources for Support
ORIS works with you to ensure that all necessary requirements are in place to maximize your chance for success.

Research Mentors
ORIS maintains a list of senior U of L faculty members with strong records of successful application for grant funding from the Canadian granting councils and/or service on grant selection committees, are available to you for consultation and advice on the preparation of grant applications.

Proposal Development
An effective budget outlines all planned activities and personnel that are necessary and reasonable to carry out your project. Budget details usually reveal whether a proposed project has been carefully planned and may be considered by reviewers as a good indicator of the project's feasibility.

Workshops and Information Sessions
ORIS hosts workshops and facilitates additional internal peer review to aid in proposal preparation.

Narrative CV
See ORIS information on:
- Narrative CV/Tri-agency CV (TCV) formatting and recommendations for future Tri-Council grants (announced in Winter 2024).
- Biosketch CV formatting for American grant applications.
- Additional tips and prompts to help craft a stronger CV.