Pre-arrival Information for International Students
Pre-arrival Guides
Pre-Arrival Webinar Series
To assist you in preparing for your journey as a University of Lethbridge student, the International Centre will offer online prearrival sessions especially for you. Your International Student Advisors and the Manager of International Student Services will share important information to help you in applying for your study permit and planning your travel to Canada, teach you about important online tools and resources, and assist you with your course registration. You will have an opportunity to ask any questions you may have.

Applying for Your Study Permit
Come to this session where our International Student Advisors will walk you through the study permit application process including all the required documents.
February 12 | Watch Recording
March 5 | Watch Recording

How to Write a Study Plan
Learn about writing a study plan for your study permit application. We will share tips to help you write a plan that includes relevant information that visa officers need when assessing a study permit application.
February 19 | Watch Recording

Online Tools and Resources
This session will review some important tools and resources that will be essential for your student success. Learn about Moodle, the Bridge, the iCent App, Webmail and the International Student Guide.
March 12 | Watch Recording

Course Registration Support
This session will cover everything you need to know to register in your courses for your first term. Topics will include: understanding your program planning guide, timetable, registration dates, the Bridge, creating a schedule and more.
October 30 | Watch Recording
March 19 | 9 a.m. MT | Register Here
April 16 | 9 a.m. MT | Register Here
June 25 | 9 a.m. MT | Register Here

Plan Your Finances
In this session, you will learn about tuition and fees, finding jobs and income expectations in Canada, costs of living, budgeting, financial tips and tricks, and more!
November 13 Watch Recording
April 2 | 9 a.m. MT | Register Here

Finding Accommodation
This session will review accommodation options and factors to consider when finding accommodation.
November 6 | Watch Recording
April 30 | 9 a.m. MT | Register Here

Finding Friends and Community
In this session, we will share tips on how to build your support network, connect with other students, and create community at ULethbridge!
May 14 | 9 a.m. MT | Register Here

Travelling to Canada
This session will explain all you need to know about travelling to Canada to start your studies. Learn about what to pack, what to expect at the border, required documents, and more.
November 27 | Watch Recording
May 28 | 9 a.m. MT | Register Here
July 23 | 9 a.m. MT | Register Here

Pre-Arrival Checklist Session
This session will review your pre-arrival checklist and provide you with essential information you will need as you prepare to come to uLethbridge to begin your studies. Ensure you complete the most important tasks before you arrive on campus.
December 4 | Watch Recording
June 11 | 9 a.m. MT | Register Here

Do I Need to Defer?
In this session, we will discuss deferral options and procedures for anyone who may not arrive in time to start the upcoming term.
July 9 | 9 a.m. MT | Register Here
Pre-arrival Information for International Students Moodle Course
What is this course about?
This is a self-guided prearrival course specifically for new international students. It has vital information for a smooth transition to uLethbridge and can be done at your own pace. You must complete this course and we recommend doing it before Dec 1.
What is Moodle?
Moodle is the online learning management system that is supported at uLethbridge.
How do I sign-in?
Log into Moodle at The username and password will be the same credentials as your campus login (Bridge account).
If you have not already done so, set up your campus login:
1. Have your nine-digit uLethbridge ID number (from your Offer of Admission letter) available
2. Go to
3. Follow the steps to select a username, password and security questions from the menu on the right.
Where do I find the International Student Pre-arrival course?
You should be able to access the course here.
What if I don't see the course in my Moodle courses?
If you don't have access please email us.
New International Student Q&A Drop-in Session
9 - 10 a.m. MT | Every Wednesday (except when a Pre-arrival Webinar is being offered)
If you are planning to begin your studies in an upcoming term, join this weekly drop-in session to have your questions answered by the International Student Advisors.