International Student Mentorship Program (ISMP)
International Student Mentorship Program
The International Student Mentorship Program is a volunteer peer-mentor program in which new international students are matched with continuing uLethbridge students who can provide ongoing advice and information about life at the university and in Lethbridge.
Mentors volunteer to provide ongoing social support, assistance and guidance through one-on-one meetings and social activities (coffee meetings, Pronghorns games, study sessions, etc.) throughout the new international student's first semester. They share their personal experiences, easing the transition to university in Canada for new international students.
Mentors will have an opportunity to gain mentoring and leadership skills in a cross‐cultural environment, learn about other cultures and countries, as well as gain insight into Canadian culture, enjoy new experiences and social opportunities and make a tangible contribution to the uLethbridge community.
Request a Mentor (for New International Students)
Who Can Join?
Mentees: New international students in the first semester of their undergraduate or graduate program.
Mentors: uLethbridge students in either an undergraduate or a graduate program who have attended the university for at least one year.
Peer mentors are trained to respond to routine questions, e.g. housing, using the Bridge, buying textbooks, getting around Lethbridge.
Mentor commitment involves continued communication with the new student through email, monthly meetings, and optional social activities. The program duration is one semester, but mentors are invited to continue their participation for additional semesters. Each semester mentors will be matched with new international students. Mentors introduce incoming international students to life at uLethbridge through pre-arrival communication, orientation, peer mentoring, and social gatherings.
Why Join?
For Mentees (new international students): This program is a wonderful way to meet other students and learn about the University’s services and resources from someone familiar with uLethbridge.
For Mentors: This is a tremendous opportunity to gain leadership, intercultural communication skills and volunteer experience. This will also be a chance to experience rich cultural diversity, meet new people and have fun!
Program Objectives
- To facilitate communication and peer-to-peer relationships between continuing Canadian/international students and new international students
- To ease cultural transition for international students
- To provide volunteer and leadership training opportunities for uLethbridge students
- To promote cross-cultural communication and learning
- To increase cross-cultural competency for all participants
Expectations for Mentors
- Commit for one term with an optional second term (with new mentees each semester)
- Attend mandatory program training sessions
- Be matched with up to 3 incoming international students
- Attend an initial “meet and greet” to meet their mentees
- Be available to answer questions via email regarding routine issues: housing, using The Bridge, buying textbooks, etc.
- Commit to meeting mentees at least four times during the semester
- Attend at least one International Centre organized activity with their mentees
- Complete mid-term reports and an exit interview
**Mentors will not serve as academic advisors or provide immigration related advice**
Required Peer-Mentor Qualifications
- Second year standing
- Familiar with campus, campus life and student support services
- Good academic standing (2.0 GPA or higher)
- Dedication to building an inclusive and supportive community
- Strong interest in student and campus engagement
- Respect for all others (values, beliefs, religion, sexual orientation etc.)
- Excellent organization and communication skills
The Role of the International Centre
- Facilitate matching of mentees and mentors
- Provide leadership and training workshops for mentors
- Create and promote mentor/mentee social activities
- Mediate any conflict between students or between the mentor and their mentees
- Provide all immigration related advice to international students
Any questions about the International Student Mentorship Program can be directed to the International Student Advisors at, or stop by the International Centre (SU060).