Writing Tutoring Program (WTP)
Writing tutoring may be offered virtually or in-person, depending on the preference of both parties.

For students seeking support with an assignment

For students who would like to help others with assignments
Our volunteer tutors provide useful and informed feedback on English for Academic Purposes (EAP) students’ writing at different stages of the writing process. Tutors help EAP students get started, find appropriate sources, brainstorm ideas, create outlines, work on thesis statements, structure & organize texts, maintain coherence & cohesion, and self-assess produced texts.
Goal of WTP
The goal of WTP is to help EAP students improve their academic writing skills by providing them with writing tutorial support.
Who are EAP students?
EAP students are considered English additional language learners “whose primary language(s) or language(s) of the home, is other than English and who may therefore require additional services in order to develop their individual potential …. Some students speak variations of English that differ significantly from the English used in the broader Canadian society” (Ministry of Education, 1999).
Common challenges facing EAP students in academic writing
- Understanding the assignment and instructors’ expectations
- Establishing a clear and specific focus for written texts
- Maintaining a focus throughout written texts
- Guiding the reader throughout written texts
- Writing grammatically correct sentences
- Producing coherent & cohesive texts
- Using sources without plagiarizing
- Citing sources appropriately and consistently
- Editing final drafts
Methods of support
WTP runs on a one-on-one session basis in which an EAP student works with a tutor on a certain area of writing. Each session takes up to 1 hour in length. EAP students bring a copy of the assignment instructions, notes, outlines, or drafts they have already created to work on with their tutors. Both EAP students and their tutors set goals and strive to achieve them.
Tutors do not write, proofread, or edit EAP students’ writing. Rather, they provide higher order thinking feedback on their writing such as feedback on introductory, body, and conclusion paragraphs, strong thesis statements, relevant supporting points & details, unity, organization, coherence & cohesion, and language usage.
Are you willing to participate?
If you are interested in contributing to WTP as a tutor, please apply here.
If you are an EAP student and are interested in having a tutor, please apply here.
If you have any questions, feel free to email eli@uleth.ca or drop by the International Centre office SU060.
Benefits of tutors’ participation
By participating as a writing tutor you will:
- Enjoy using your writing skills to help language learners
- Gain valuable tutoring experience
- Appreciate intercultural exchange experiences
- Obtain a letter of reference
Click here to apply to become a tutor.
Benefits of tutees’ participation
While attending the writing workshops tutors will help you:
- Explore the process of writing by discovering helpful and relevant strategies to write academically
- Develop your critical thinking skills
- Enhance your skills in expressing ideas clearly and concisely
- Work on your class written assignments
- Build a thesis statement
- Write better introductory, body, and conclusion paragraphs
- Structure and organize your writing
- Use appropriate citation and referencing formats for your sources throughout your paper
- Proofread, edit, and self-assess your written texts
Click here to request an appointment with a tutor.