PUBlic Professor Series | Dr. Roy Golsteyn
Flower Power: A scientific search for new medicines in Prairie Plants
Dr. Roy Golsteyn, Department of Biological Sciences
It is an astonishing fact that, even in the 21st century, we are only beginning to realize that plants from the Alberta prairies contain chemicals of medical importance. Many residents of southern Alberta, such as gardeners, farmers and ranchers, and those who enjoy walking in the coulees, would recognize some of the plants that are unique to our region. Members of First Nation communities are also familiar with prairie plants as part of their traditional knowledge.
The Cancer Cell Laboratory at the University of Lethbridge is investigating prairie plants for natural products of scientific and medical value. The discovery of natural products and investigation of their biological properties remains one of the most successful means to find new medicines. If you are an avid gardener, you may have a precious medicinal plant growing in your own garden. Research Article: Prairie view opens new research frontier for Golsteyn
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