How do I get to Canada and then to Lethbridge?

International Air Travel

  • The Calgary International Airport is the closest international Airport to Lethbridge. Arrange for an international flight from your home country (Japan, China, India, Kenya, etc.) to the Calgary International Airport (Calgary, Alberta, Canada).

Calgary to Lethbridge

  • Calgary is located 250 kilometres north of Lethbridge

  • Take a domestic flight from the Calgary International Airport to the Lethbridge County Airport. It takes 45 minutes to fly from Calgary to Lethbridge

  • Take a taxi to the Greyhound Bus Terminal in downtown Calgary. You will need to purchase a bus ticket (approximately $46). It will take about three hours to reach Lethbridge

  • Another option for getting from the Calgary International Airport to Lethbridge is to use the Airporter Shuttle Service

Downtown Lethbridge to U of L