How do I get to the University of Lethbridge from the local airport or bus terminal?

Getting to the U of L

  • Once you arrive at the Lethbridge County Airport or the Lethbridge Greyhound Bus Terminal, you will need to take a taxi to the University or to your accommodation

    • The Lethbridge County Airport is located 16 kms from the University
    • The Greyhound Bus Terminal is located in downtown Lethbridge and is approximately 6 kms from the University
  • If you arrive at the Airport, you will see a phone that has a direct line to the taxi service right in the airport. There may also be a taxi available just outside the airport

  • For your convenience, we have listed the names of a few Taxi Service Companies in Lethbridge that offer student discounts. Please let the driver know you are a student at the University of Lethbridge and provide them with your U of L ID Number.

Taxi Service Company

Telephone Number

Approx. Cost (Airport to U of L)

Fifth Avenue Cabs


$35 (less 10% for students)

Royal Taxi


$35 (less 10% for students)

A Plus Taxi Ltd.


$35 (less 10% for students