DSB Prerequisite Waiver


  • This form is for required Dhillon School of Business courses (DSB) at the Lethbridge campus only.  Calgary campus students should contact an advisor at the Calgary campus.
  • DSB courses include:  Accounting (ACCT), Agricultural Enterprise Management (AGEM), Finance (FINC), Human Resources and Labour Relations (HRLR), Indigenous Governance and Business Management (IGBM), International Management (IMGT)  (will be Global Business (GLBU) starting May 2025), Management (MGT), and Marketing (MKTG).
  • Waiver requests for courses offered by other faculties should be directed to that faculty.
  • This form will be submitted to a DSB academic advisor. If your prereq waiver rationale demonstrates extenuating circumstances that warrant your request, the advisor will add any relevant information and forward your request to the instructor or area chair and cc you in response.
  • Once the request has been forwarded, it is the student's responsibility to follow up with the instructor or area chair and cc dhillon.advising@uleth.ca if there has been no response after a reasonable amount of time.
  • This form cannot be used to waive or substitute major, program, or degree requirements.
  • This form is not a guarantee of course availability. If a prerequisite waiver is granted, an advisor will enter a waiver in the registration system, but it is the student's responsibility to register in the course.
Student Information
Please enter your full name in the following format: FAMILY/LAST NAME, Given/first name (ie. Smith, John)
Enter your 9 digit U of L ID number.
At which Dhillon School of Business campus are you a student?
Please attach supporting documentation, if any.
One file only.
2 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, rtf, pdf, doc, docx.
Program Information
What program are you interested in or currently enrolled in?
Dhillon School of Business Major(s)
A maximum of two majors is allowed per program
A maximum of two minors is allowed per program.
Dhillon School of Business Concentration
Course Information
Indicate the starting month and year of the term for the course.
Explain why you need to take this course in the upcoming term and why you are requesting to waive one of the prereq/coreqs for the course. Include any details that will strengthen your case (ie. if the upcoming term is your final term, your GPA, work or volunteer experience that would give you some background related to the missing prereq, a similar course or program you completed that would give some background related to the missing prereq).
Grade Appeal Agreement
By submitting this form, I understand that I do not have the required background for this course, and I am prepared to do any extra work that is necessary to keep up in class. I waive my right to appeal my grade on the basis of not having the prerequisite(s) and/or corequisite(s). I understand that by waiving this prerequisite(s) and/or corequisite(s), that if the course is required in my program, it must still be taken.
Protection of Privacy
The personal information requested on this form is collected under the authority of Section 33 (c) of the Alberta Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (“Act”) and will be protected under Part 2 of the Act. The information is collected for the purpose of the booking and efficiency of the appointment process, to follow up on inquiries, and to contact you in regards to services provided. If you have any inquiries in regards to the collection of your personal information, please direct those inquiries to: FOIP Coordinator, University of Lethbridge, 4401 University Dr. West, Lethbridge, Alberta T1K 3M4, telephone: 403-332-4620, email: foip@uleth.ca.