Final Program Check

If you have enrolled in the final courses for your program in the upcoming term, please fill out final program check form below by the following recommended deadlines:

Dec 1April completers
April 1June, August, and December completers

Note: Although final program check requests will be accepted after these dates, they may not be completed in time to change registration in your final upcoming term.


  • This is not an application to graduate. You must apply to graduate through the Bridge by the deadlines specified on the Convocation webpage.
  • You may request only one final program check per program; the check is dependent on the registration at the time it is completed. If you change your registration, it is your responsibility to ensure the courses fit in your program.
  • Final program checks will not be completed in the first few weeks of the term in Jan, May and Sept or during the initial registration/wait-listing periods in Mar and Nov. The final program check may take several weeks to process (or more if the final program check is submitted after the recommended deadlines above) and will be sent to your U of L email.
  • Complete your own program check and report any inconsistencies to an advisor.
  • The results of the final program check are informal, and are not binding upon the Dhillon School of Business.
  • This final program check is only for the Dhillon School of Business portion of combined degree programs. Combined degree students should do a final program check with both faculties.
Student Information
Please enter your name in the following format: FAMILY NAME, Given name (ie. SMITH, John)
Enter your 9 digit U of L student ID number
Enter your ULETH email. Please be sure to enter your email correctly as your email response will go the email address you enter.
Program Information
Select the Management program from the options given above
Dhillon School of Business Major(s)
A maximum of two majors is allowed per program
A maximum of two minors is allowed per program
Dhillon School of Business Concentration
Protection of Privacy
The personal information requested on this form is collected under the authority of Section 33 (c) of the Alberta Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (“Act”) and will be protected under Part 2 of the Act. The information is collected for the purpose of the booking and efficiency of the appointment process, to follow up o nay inquiries, and to contact yourself in regards to services provided. If you have any inquiries in regards to the collection of your personal information, please direct those inquiries to: FOIP Coordinator, University of Lethbridge, 4401 University Dr. West, Lethbridge, Alberta T1K 3M4, telephone: 403-332-4620, email: