DSB Prerequisite Waiver
- This form is for required Dhillon School of Business courses (DSB) at the Lethbridge campus only. Calgary campus students should contact an advisor at the Calgary campus.
- DSB courses include: Accounting (ACCT), Agricultural Enterprise Management (AGEM), Finance (FINC), Human Resources and Labour Relations (HRLR), Indigenous Governance and Business Management (IGBM), International Management (IMGT) (will be Global Business (GLBU) starting May 2025), Management (MGT), and Marketing (MKTG).
- Waiver requests for courses offered by other faculties should be directed to that faculty.
- This form will be submitted to a DSB academic advisor. If your prereq waiver rationale demonstrates extenuating circumstances that warrant your request, the advisor will add any relevant information and forward your request to the instructor or area chair and cc you in response.
- Once the request has been forwarded, it is the student's responsibility to follow up with the instructor or area chair and cc dhillon.advising@uleth.ca if there has been no response after a reasonable amount of time.
- This form cannot be used to waive or substitute major, program, or degree requirements.
- This form is not a guarantee of course availability. If a prerequisite waiver is granted, an advisor will enter a waiver in the registration system, but it is the student's responsibility to register in the course.