Monique Sedgwick
Full Professor
Monique Sedgwick PhD, RN
Areas of Teaching
Ethics, nursing research, professional issues
Areas of Interest/Scholarship
Nursing education, ethics, rural nursing
I've been a registered nurse since 1983. I am passionate about nursing, health, and health education. My research endeavors have led me to explore rural nursing, rural nursing preceptorship, critical thinking and the use of mobile applications as well as when playing chess, online learning workload in graduate programming, and microethical issues in the simulated learning environment.
PhD (University of Alberta, 2008)
MN (University of Alberta, 1995)
BScN (University of Alberta, 1990)
Diploma of Nursing (Misericordia Hospital School of Nursing, Edmonton, AB, 1983).
Selected publications
- Sedgwick, M., & Yanicki, S. (2020). Teaching how to practice ethics during simulation: exploring clinical nurse educators’ experiences. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 47, 57-59.
- Sedgwick, M., Yanicki, S., & Pijl, E. (2020). An analysis of undergraduate nurses’ sensitivity to microethical dilemmas during simulation. Journal of Nursing Education, 59(2), 88-92.
- Sedgwick, M., Awosoga, O., Grigg, L. (2019). A pilot study exploring the relationship between the use of mobile technologies, walking distance, and clinical decision making among rural hospital nurses. Health Informatics Journal, 25(4), 1163-1169
- Zieber, M., & Sedgwick, M. (2018). Competence, confidence and knowledge retention in undergraduate nursing students – A mixed method study. Nurse Education Today 62, 16-21.
- Sedgwick, M., Grigg, L., Awosoga, O., Sedgwick, N., Dersch, S. (2018). An exploratory mixed methods study of urban and rural registered nurses’ experience of clinical reasoning. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 8(4), 1-11.
- Rohatinsky, N., Chachula, K., Sedgwick, M., Press, M., Lane, B., & Compton, R.(2018). A comparison of nursing student and instructor preferences for block and non-block clinical models. Nurse Educator, 43(4), E1-E6.
- Sedgwick, M., Awosoga, O., Grigg, L. (2017). The impact of mobile technologies on new graduate nurses’ perceived self-efficacy and clinical decision making: A report from a longitudinal study in Western Canada. Journal of Hospital Administration, 6(6), 28-34.
- Rohatinsky, N., Chachula, K., Compton, R., Sedgwick, M., Press, M., & Lane, B. (2017). Nursing Student Preference for Block versus Non-Block Clinical Models. Journal of Nursing Education, 56(3), 152-157. DOI: 10.3928/01484834-20170222-06
- Perry, R., Press, M., Rohatinsky, N., Compton, R., Sedgwick, M. (2016). Pilot study: Nursing students’ perceptions of the environment in two different clinical education models. International Journal of Nursing Sciences, 3, 285-290.
- Borrott, N., Day, G., Sedgwick, M., Levett-Jones, T. (2016). Nursing students’ belongingness and workplace satisfaction: Quantitative outcomes of a mixed methods study. Nurse Education Today, 45, 29-34.
- Sedgwick, M. G., Awosoga, O., Grigg, L., Durnin, J. (2016). A quantitative study exploring undergraduate nursing students’ perception of their critical thinking and clinical decision making ability while using apps at the point of care. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 6(10). Available at http://jnep.sciedupress.com