Accountable. Collaborative. Transformational. Inclusive. Vibrant. 

Research holds a place of central importance at the Faculty of Health Sciences: it sustains our reputation as a leading school of health education, it goes hand-in-hand with quality teaching, and it provides direct value to health professionals, clients and organizations. Our commitment to academic freedom and respect for individuals’ research interests, combined with the exceptional research skills of our faculty, have given us success and recognition in research of all types — qualitative and quantitative, theoretical and applied, scientific and other approaches — across a broad spectrum of health-related topics.

At the same time, we have developed and continue to build particular strengths in research that is interdisciplinary, research with direct relevance for health professionals, and research in particular topic areas, including: Indigenous health and rural research, addictions and mental health, gambling, global health and sustainability, health education and teaching innovation, seniors’ health and non-conventional research programs, including therapeutic recreation and complementary and alternative health.

Faculty Members

Visit ulethbridge.ca/healthsciences/faculty-staff to learn more about our faculty members and their research programs. 

Graduate Students and Research Assistantships

The University of Lethbridge has a GSA Collective Agreement that governs Research Assistantships for graduate students. Under the new agreement these positions are called Graduate Assistant (Research) appointments. These positions are intended to allow faculty continue to employ graduate assistants whose duties include the performance of research and related duties unrelated to the program of study. These positions are typically funded by a faculty member’s research funds. For more information visit the School of Graduate Studies.